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  1. #1
    I'm with the band EnGarde's Avatar
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    Default You can only have three razors... what would they be?

    I am seeing how this hobby is gonna cost me some dinero as time goes on. For a guy who wanted to use a straight razor because I was sick of buying MachIII blades for so much money this has really snapped me in the ass.

    ...So instead of buying dozens knifes off Ebay over the next few month and more I am curious to hear what knifes you would keep or get if you could have only 3.

    This list is certain to change but as it stands right now here it goes:

    #1 I'll keep my 5/8 Dovo with el cheapo plasitic scales. It is my first straight and I will not part with it. (heheh I say that now)

    #2 I want a NOS Dubl Duck Wonderedge or one is fantastic shape. I love the look of the scales and from what you all say they work like a charm. I am also working on getting my Dub Duck brush restored and I want it to be a nice set.

    #3 I would like to have a custom meatchopper. One like the one's Lynn posted from the Maestro. I want my last name engraved on the blade or better yet in the scales. This will be the knife I would like to pass on to one of my sons. I can't think of a cooler thing to get from dad than his daily razor.
    Last edited by EnGarde; 06-26-2006 at 06:26 PM.

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  3. #2
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    My dad has a beard. Grandpa used and electric for as far back as I can remeber.

  4. #3
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    This is a difficult one.

    #1 I have a Gong 4/8 razor, it is fantastic, easy to hone and shaves really good,I would never part with this one cost me £1.50 on ebay.
    #2 My Dovo ebony handled, it was the first new Str8 razor I bought.
    #3 I would love a custom made razor, just 1.5 to 2 inch long to get to those hard to reach places.


  5. #4
    Senior Member wvbias's Avatar
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    I would keep the following 3 out of the 7 that
    I currently own.

    6/8 Genco spike
    6/8 WH Morley spike
    7/8 Wade & Butcher


  6. #5
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    If money was no object I'd have to say 3 of Maestro's damascene steel units, probably with mammoth ivory and abalone

    If I had to keep just 3 of the ones I got now it would be the clauss razors (provided this 3rd one is salvagable). They sharpen up well and shave quite nicely. I love the way they shave against the grain. I've got a geneva cutlery that gives me blisters if I'm not careful when shaving against the grain, These larger Clauss razors go against the grain and give me that baby butt feel but don't cause pseudofolliculitis. I've got a working 6/8 from Joe and a 13/16 from a local antiquities store. I've got a 2nd 13/16 that just arrived but it's got a tiny crack in it that may make it worthless. We'll see what responses I get back from restoration forum
    Last edited by Flanny; 06-26-2006 at 07:04 PM.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    #1 SRP #89
    Mondesir 7/8
    Now it's decision time...a custom cocobola wood scale, rosewood scale or the Rudolph Stehlo 6/8.

    Maybe you meant 3 per day???


  8. #7
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Now that's not a fair question. I couldn't limit it to just 3.
    Here is a try

    Dovo 5/8 first razor and my wife gave it to me.

    Rudolf Shmidt 7/8 very sharp and really easy to maintain

    Puma 6/8 need I say more.

    But then I have a W&B 7/8 wedge that I love a Dorko 6/8 dorko 4/8 Dovo 6/8 Puma 4/8 etc....

  9. #8
    Senior Member robertlampo's Avatar
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    1) Wostenholm 5/8 Sheffield
    2) Fen Razor 5/8 Sheffield
    3) Original Bartmann 7/8

    When I receive my concave Wostenholm I won on eBay, that will be #3 in place of the Bartmann. As I've said, the Sheffields can't be beat.



  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Im pleading the 5th.

  11. #10
    Senior Member SharkHat's Avatar
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    Since my current rotation of shave ready straights is uh ... only 1 razor, I'm gonna have to get back to you on this one.

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