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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Is It My Imagination, Or...

    ...are the Ebay prices for straights on the increase?

    I browse Ebay to see what's happening in the world of used and collectable vintage straights and I am oft surprised at the opening prices for razors that are, even to my untutored eye, relative garbage.

    Razors that are so worn, or with truncated blades - that there's really no hope of rescuing them - with plain-jane scales that really cannot justify the $30+ opening bid.

    Recently, it seems that sellers have started raising the prices, believing the desirability of straights is on the increase. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't - but, for those of us whom Ebay is a 'sole' supplier - it seems that the world of straights is catching the mainstream trends of, "it's old, so it must be rare" and "I saw one of those go for hundreds - this one must be worth just as much" and "It must be worth a lot - it's sooooo old! Like 50 years or something! Real art-deco!"

    Or maybe it's my cranky imagination and it's time to take my meds again

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you concentrate on the unknown or lesser known brands there are still bargains to be had. If you're looking for the well known stuff prices are on the increase.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Senior Member takedeadaim's Avatar
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    Default I think sellers are learning

    I agree with the above post in that the better known brands are getting higher prices. But I was able to get a total of 4, from different auctions, over the past couple weeks for no more than $12 each. While a couple of them, that were around $5 will require a bit of work and new scales to replace the damaged plastic ones. I still think that is a reasonable price.

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