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  1. #1
    Knifemaker KristianSestoft's Avatar
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    Arrow Going to Berlin - Where are the razors?

    Hi SPR's
    I don't know if this is the right place to post but I'll do it anyway

    I'm going to Berlin with one of my friends, who is allso intersted in knives/straight shaving. Do you know any nice knifeshops we should see?
    Or a nice restaurant And what bars should we go to in the evening? All recommendations are much appreciated

    Best regards and thanks

  2. #2
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    Can't really help on the razor/knife side of things, but Berlin has a TON of nightlife. I was there in a few years ago on two occasions, and remember there was a big restaurant/bar area right outside of the Zoologischer Garten (sp?) station on the U-bahn. I don't know what your agenda is when you're there, but I'd recommend taking one of the English-language walking tours. Silly? Maybe... but a great way to get an idea of navigating the city and the various areas. They are usually done by American or British students and they can tell you all you'll need to know. I had a blast there on my own.

    Mitte is also a great area for a lot of bars and whatnot. Just be weary of gorgeous multi-lingual woman approaching you and wanting to be your best friend for the evening. They are likely prostitutes and can be quite persistent - talking to you in several languages if you don't speak German, following you, grabbing you to keep you from walking away, etc.

    Berlin is a great city and one of the easiest foreign cities I've ever been in as far as navigation is concerned. There is something there for everyone... art, history, entertainment of ALL kinds. You will enjoy yourself I'm sure.

  3. #3
    Member Diederik's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Senior Member decraew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diederik View Post
    +1 they have an incredible stock, amongst other things the Old Traditional leather strop which is one of the best out there.

  5. #5
    Knifemaker KristianSestoft's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I'm back home already and it was a very nice trip. Those fine ladies... yeah, they kinda scared me :/ but it was fine.
    Unfurtunately I didn't get to go to The different scent (Rasur, Rasiermesser, Nassrasur in Berlin - Herzlich Willkommen! - The Different Scent:) but thanks for the advise anyway.


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