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  1. #11
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Hobbies and certain ways of life are not for everyone. I'm fortunate enough to have a hobby that I enjoy, which has become a connection to the past and to people of the present.

    homeslice, I hope that there is something else in your life that you can devote the same time and care that I devote to SR's. Good luck with your endeavours.

  2. #12
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    One other reason here. Shaving was just a chore that had to be done but not enjoyed. I used an electric razor for years because I just wanted to get it over with as fast as possible. I've now turned a chore into something I look forward to. That's a rare experience. One thing for sure, though, is that I certainly didn't save any money. About a dozen razors so far, brush, stand, mugs, scuttle, several strops, hones, soaps, creams, pre-shaves, after shaves, and most of all, a bathroom remodel. Fun!

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The OP's experience leads me to the old saying of look before you leap. If you understand what is entailed in using a straight along with use and care I think you're experience might have been different. But in the end you need to find what works best for you and your lifestyle.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    DLB is offline
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    No need to feel bad. Straight Shaving is a choice. Do know that we hope you will continue to hang out on SRP. There are a lot of DE shavers here. The welcome mat is always out.

  5. #15
    Razor Geek aeon's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear you have had poor luck with shaving, but I have to ask: did it never occur to you to follow the advice that everyone on here touts? Why didn't you buy a cheap shave-ready razor from the classifieds instead of a non-shave ready razor from ebay? Why didn't you get one of the forum members to hone your razor for you? You only honed your razor twice in 3 years, of course it wasn't shaving good!

    It takes time to learn the techniques of straight shaving and actually get good at using one. It took me 3 months to even start getting good at it, but I've seen people who it took a year or more! This is a hobby of patience. In three years, I imagine you learned how to use one properly, but if you only got your razors honed twice over three years I don't find it surprising that you were getting poor shaves, and if your razor was too dull you were probably adapting to the poor edge and learning improper techniques (such as using too much pressure). If you kept shaving with a chip in your razor instead of getting it honed, I have no sympathy for your strop or your face. Why did you never join the forum and ask for help if you were having issues? 3 Months ago you join the forum and don't post anything regarding your poor luck with straights? Sounds pretty foolish. Like many others have said, straight razors are not for everyone. Sorry to hear the forum is losing you, but you have no one to blame but yourself. There is centuries worth of knowledge and trial and error, reviews, tips, tricks, etc. packed into this forum and the wiki, and if you are not willing to put the effort in to take advantage of them then why even bother signing up?


  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    this seems like too easy to quit?
    you have gotten 2 razors and one was FROMM ( i am sure this was old one) and next SS blade. now you are quitting?
    In such a long time period you should be able to test at least 10 razors and choose one.
    good luck with your Gillette.
    Report back when you join to straight razor users again.

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