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Thread: Why do you enjoy shaving?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Default Why do you enjoy shaving?

    Hi everyone, I've been thinking about shaving a lot for some reason lately. I started shaving when I was 14 or 15, got my first straight edge when I was 21 and have never looked back. I used to hate shaving, but over the years it's become a real pleasure. That's where the thinking came about as I realised after a week away without a shave just how much it means to me.

    I have a full time job, a part time job in the warmer months, a six year old lad to entertain and look after and a wife to keep happy, a massive allotment and loads of hobbies including knifemaking and taking on commissions, bmx bikes, music and spending as much time outdoors as possible...this means I don't have a lot of time for myself at the best of times.

    This is where the joy of shaving comes into it for me. It's a little ritual where I can slow down and zone out for a few minutes after a shower and do something relaxing for myself. The last thing I want to do is sound pretentious but the sound of the tap running, a razor on a strop, a brush whipping up a lather, the smell of bay rum, the burn of said bay rum, it just feels like the perfect way to do something for myself for 15 minutes every other day.

    Obviously I'm not the only one to fully appreciate this little ritual but what is it about shaving in a traditional method that ticks all the boxes for you? Apologies if this has been done to death before, I haven't had a chance to read through older posts. Apart from a superior shave what excites you about a straight razor shave?

  2. #2
    Senior Member whavens's Avatar
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    About the same things as you describe. Love the ritual, the time in the zone. Just a great way to slow down the beginning of the day to make time for yourself. Plus you can't beat the nice close shave. Something about the sting of a handfull of Pinaud Clubman after a close shave that just jump starts your day.

  3. #3
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    I started with DEs two years ago and just recently entered the straight shaving zone . Was tired of paying through the nose for Gillette products and getting poor shaves . Used an electric razor off and on , when in a hurry . Started looking into old school ways of shaving and found DE and wet shaving paraphenalia etc...

    Have been fascinated by the straight razor way of shaving . Always thought it was a lot of work and must take a long time . Finally took the plunge and thanks to the internet , you can find out about every aspect of straight shaving (many styles, tools and brands) from the true professionals . Not to mention your pick of vendors all over the world !

    Lastly , it feels much more "manly" holding a chunk of steel be it a DE or straight razor - than some plastic contraption , that resembles a toy !I still have friends who swear by the canned goo and plastic toys ! I find it relaxing to shave now and enjoy it more than I have in the past .


    Mirthing my way through life .

  4. #4
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    I have to say that I hated shaving before switching to straights. The equipment made it boring and tedious while providing sketchy results at best. I resented spending $4.00 on a cartridge that provided 1-5 decent shaves - complete with razor burn to boot. Then there was the electric razor. I'm convinced that this device was once used by the Spanish Inquisition to extract confessions from heretics.

    I love the cool as hell equipment, the ritual, the exploration of variety of soaps and creams. This is a near perfect hobby for me.

    BTW - when I was taught to hone by Lynn at his home, he also showed me how to make lather and some other shaving items. When Lynn was done, I watched him meticulously clean and wipe his sink, counter and fixtures dry. And I thought - hey you can't even tell somebody ever used this sink. I realized then and there what being a considerate gentleman with this art meant and added this to my shaving ritual. My wife really appreciates how incredibly clean and tidy I keep everything.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    My family goes way back on the streets of N.Y as gang members in a time when you solved issues with a straight razor. So it was only natural for me to start shaving with one. So it kind of contects me with my roots.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whavens View Post
    About the same things as you describe. Love the ritual, the time in the zone. Just a great way to slow down the beginning of the day to make time for yourself. Plus you can't beat the nice close shave. Something about the sting of a handfull of Pinaud Clubman after a close shave that just jump starts your day.
    Ha ha, ya I guess it's self explanatory why we all do this, no need to ask as it'll be for the same reasons really.

    Quote Originally Posted by midloth72 View Post
    I started with DEs two years ago and just recently entered the straight shaving zone . Was tired of paying through the nose for Gillette products and getting poor shaves . Used an electric razor off and on , when in a hurry . Started looking into old school ways of shaving and found DE and wet shaving paraphenalia etc...

    Have been fascinated by the straight razor way of shaving . Always thought it was a lot of work and must take a long time . Finally took the plunge and thanks to the internet , you can find out about every aspect of straight shaving (many styles, tools and brands) from the true professionals . Not to mention your pick of vendors all over the world !

    Lastly , it feels much more "manly" holding a chunk of steel be it a DE or straight razor - than some plastic contraption , that resembles a toy !I still have friends who swear by the canned goo and plastic toys ! I find it relaxing to shave now and enjoy it more than I have in the past .


    Same as me, I started with disposable razors then an electric one and just didn't get on with any of it. I had an epiphany oneday that it was something I'd be doing for the rest of my life, I might as well make it as enjoyable as possible. Long live the real deal!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alembic View Post
    I have to say that I hated shaving before switching to straights. The equipment made it boring and tedious while providing sketchy results at best. I resented spending $4.00 on a cartridge that provided 1-5 decent shaves - complete with razor burn to boot. Then there was the electric razor. I'm convinced that this device was once used by the Spanish Inquisition to extract confessions from heretics.

    I love the cool as hell equipment, the ritual, the exploration of variety of soaps and creams. This is a near perfect hobby for me.

    BTW - when I was taught to hone by Lynn at his home, he also showed me how to make lather and some other shaving items. When Lynn was done, I watched him meticulously clean and wipe his sink, counter and fixtures dry. And I thought - hey you can't even tell somebody ever used this sink. I realized then and there what being a considerate gentleman with this art meant and added this to my shaving ritual. My wife really appreciates how incredibly clean and tidy I keep everything.
    No offence intended but can you enlighten me on who Lynn is? I'm far from refined when it comes to knowing names in this game. Great impression to leave with someone though! I do the same, I clean the sink and surrounding area before as well as after. My wife used to go mad when I started making knives in the kitchen but soon realised when I cleaned up after a job it was cleaner than when I started...

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    My family goes way back on the streets of N.Y as gang members in a time when you solved issues with a straight razor. So it was only natural for me to start shaving with one. So it kind of contects me with my roots.
    Nice one, nothing like a history steeped in tradition! There were cut throat crews in my area back in the day, they were sporting about it and taped them so they'd only cut so deep! Raffles the gentleman thug comes to mind. Amazing how fighting with razors in gangs can sound romantic eh!
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 06-07-2011 at 03:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Glenn24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    My family goes way back on the streets of N.Y as gang members in a time when you solved issues with a straight razor. So it was only natural for me to start shaving with one. So it kind of contects me with my roots.

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