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Thread: How bad are cartridge razors?

  1. #1
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Default How bad are cartridge razors?

    I guess that most people are here because they either take an interest in shaving, razors or both.

    At some point we made a decision to make the change from "modern" systems or disposables. We are convinced that we now get better shaves, probably we do.
    But how much of this is due to the fact that the "modern" systems or disposables are not good razors? It stands to reason that when we take an interest in something, we put in the time and the research to obtain the best products and to refine our techniques.
    We work on our preparation, our angles, our strokes and our post shave routines. Of course we get better results than we did before this interest developed, then we used to squirt the foam from the can, wipe it on for 10 seconds and swipe a razor ( that had been lying on the side of the basin for a week) across our faces.

    Any opinions?

    It would be interesting to hear from someone who for reasons of travel etc, actually went back to using a " Mach 3 or Fusion", but using some decent lather and taking the time to shave properly actually found that the results were better than they remembered.

  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Just the other day I looted my wife's disposable razors for a fresh one to shave with. I was in a hurry and I have learned to not rush a shave. I shaved after the shower as I do with a straight with shave soap. Two things: shave was not as close and I had stubble just hours after the shave and my face just didn't feel right/clean. I would equate the shave closeness to a wtg single pass on an un-prepped face. The disposable did not pull or anything, but it did feel quite foreign though.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Just the other day I looted my wife's disposable razors for a fresh one to shave with. I was in a hurry and I have learned to not rush a shave. I shaved after the shower as I do with a straight with shave soap. Two things: shave was not as close and I had stubble just hours after the shave and my face just didn't feel right/clean. I would equate the shave closeness to a wtg single pass on an un-prepped face. The disposable did not pull or anything, but it did feel quite foreign though.
    I use them very infrequently when off on Army duty and have the same problem. Very soon after I have stuble. I see some people state they have BBS even the day after a str8 shave, that has never happened to me as my beard grows very fast and thick. I guess I should try and do a multi pass with a disposable just to give it a fair shake.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The newer systems were not developed to really compete with older systems based on the final result. They were developed for uncomplicated ease, speed and convenience (forgetting about a profit stream for the manufacturers). I don't think I have ever seen a post on this forum or another where someone who has mastered straight shaving has said he got an equal or better result with a newer system and that includes double edge razors too.
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    Cartridges are the DEVIL!! <cue banjo music>

    To be honest I have found they respond to a better prep routine, but that's to be expected. Personally I also find there's nothing satisfying about using any kind of disposable. They're utilitarian in the extreme.

  6. #6
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyace View Post
    I guess that most people are here because they either take an interest in shaving, razors or both.

    At some point we made a decision to make the change from "modern" systems or disposables. We are convinced that we now get better shaves, probably we do.
    But how much of this is due to the fact that the "modern" systems or disposables are not good razors? It stands to reason that when we take an interest in something, we put in the time and the research to obtain the best products and to refine our techniques.
    We work on our preparation, our angles, our strokes and our post shave routines. Of course we get better results than we did before this interest developed, then we used to squirt the foam from the can, wipe it on for 10 seconds and swipe a razor ( that had been lying on the side of the basin for a week) across our faces.

    Any opinions?

    It would be interesting to hear from someone who for reasons of travel etc, actually went back to using a " Mach 3 or Fusion", but using some decent lather and taking the time to shave properly actually found that the results were better than they remembered.
    I had to send my Dovo 6/8 straight to Lynn for honing and it was the only straight I owned at the time. I used my old Mach 3 and still kept up with my straight razor shave pre-shave prep, lathering, and post-shave procedures. I got a good shave but with irritation, something I seldom experience with my straights. Now I have two straights so if one goes in for honing, I will always have one to straight razor shave with. I use each razor every other day.

  7. #7
    ace is offline
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    I can get a fine result from a Fusion Pro Glide using the techniques I've developed in straight shaving. It's just not very much fun.

  8. #8
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    I can get a fine result from a Fusion Pro Glide using the techniques I've developed in straight shaving. It's just not very much fun.
    Good point ACE, straight razor shaving is much more fun. Plus for me, straight razor shaving took what was a mundane morning chore to a pleasurable ritual that I look forward to when I get up in the morning. We enjoy the feel of that piece of steel's sharp edge against our skins.
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    For me it's simple: cartridge razors constantly gave me razor bumps and irritation on my neck. Straight razors changed all that, right from day one. Plus I couldn't justify spending $4 per blade for something giving such a crappy shave.

    That being said, I did give them another chance after a couple years break when the wife and I were in Mexico this past winter. I forgot my DE, but did have my old Mach 3 for a backup (don't ask why, old boy scout habit I guess). I tried one shave and wasn't satisfied at all. In fact, the pivoting head design that I used to like was annoying as hell. My wife had a bag of 2 bladed Bic disposables (and no they weren't all pink ), so the following shave I used one and was pleasantly surprised. Shave was smooth and close with no irritation. It just didn't last very long. So IMO I'd take a $0.50 disposable over a $5 cartridge any day.
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    I recently had to use a Mach 3 when I was on vacation. It did a good job of cutting, but like the other said, the shave didn't last that long. It was also a little frustrating. No fun using a cruddy, crusty disposable. And the worst part that I had forgotten about these things, they clog as soon as you make the first pass, and stay clogged. That just doesn't happen when I use my straight or DE.

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