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  1. #1
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    Default PLEASE help with information regarding my Original Schulze 7 day set

    Hello Everyone. I would greatly appreciate any and all information you guys can give me about this set! I purchased it at an auction and thought it was cool - hoping you guys will know something about it that you wouldnt mind sharing
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    Last edited by bwild22; 08-02-2011 at 04:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've got one of those souvenir sets by Kobar and another 7 day that isn't a souvenir set by Fritz Bracht/Dovo. I don't know a lot about Schulze but I do know they were a top end maker back in the old days. My guess is those Solingen city marked sets date from the '50s or '60s but I suppose it is possible that they might be pre WWII. If they are all in good shape it is a very nice set.
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Those type sets were very common and they come up all the time on Eboy. Some are just generic Solingen razors without individual makers marks and some are branded. Either way they are all quality razors. If you have the branded ones you are that much ahead of the game. Most I've seen come up for auction are either missing some of the set or some have serious issues.
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  4. #4
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    As you can see all are here and in great shape. Also, they are all individually branded with both an original schulze and a solingen marking on one side and number 945 on the back

  5. #5
    Senior Member whavens's Avatar
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    Looks like a very nice set. A seven day set is on my wish list.

  6. #6
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    Thank you for the kind words!

    I couldnt believe how nice of shape the razors were in when I opened the box

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