I want the guys who bust their humps for their paycheck to reply to this please. Here's what I'm really lookin for though. I'm into getting a great shave that wont make my kids go hungry lol. I would rather lather up with steel wool glued to a dried dog turd than spend 80 or 90 bucks on a brush. If you reply, I as a nube will keep an eye out for your posts and remember to dig what ya say. I also want to weed out some like minded peeps. so if you have tattoos on your neck or hand reply. if you ride or drive something you built yourself reply. if you have ever been asked not to return to a bar reply. been asked not to return to a state reply. if you can weld reply. if you have sunday church overalls reply. you get it. I know you can be all these things and still love to pay 350 bucks for a strop but you dig. thanks