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  1. #1
    < Banned User >
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    Default spreading the gospel

    I think thats how you spell gospel, I love the lord but dont really go to church. Anyway, how many of you have shown others this wonderful old way of shaving? I told a young cat at work(20 yr old kid) about it and he hopefully will be shaving his peach fuzz by next week with a dandy of a razor `I picked up for him in the classifieds. He isnt into forums so I showed him the site and helped him choose a razor. I told him he dont have to join nothin, but begged him to at least spend some time reading some tips. He is a country boy and really into knives. You can dern near shave with this kids pocket knife. he wants to buy hones also so maybe one day I can just hand my razors off to him to hone. LOL!

  2. #2
    Dan (Member) FacialDirt's Avatar
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    We all worship in our own way, brother I'm new to str8 razors myself. However, I did buy my first razor from a gentleman in our classified section here at SRP. All members, I would think, are reasonable and knowledgable with their shaving and advice. If you are looking for a great person to buy equipment from, the gentleman I bought from is came highly recommended to me and was a great person to buy from. His name on the forum is:
    and I, along with others, call him Sham (Part of his name). If you have any questions, I could try to answer them, but the senior members and most junior members here are extremely helpful and can give you much better advice than I could. Take care and thanks for posting

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Usually when I tell others about using a straight they look at me like I was crazy and back off a bit.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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