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09-11-2006, 03:04 AM #1
Just how sharp are Billy's Blades??
I'll tell you how sharp...let me set the scene:
Scene 1:
I check into my hotel last night which happens to be basically on top of ground zero in NYC. I brought my wife and her friend to go shopping and sample some specialty foods at some restaurants they wanted to visit while I got some work done.
I get out of a steaming hot shower, the room is a nice cool 65 degrees so that the mirror doesnt fog during my shower. I dry off and try my new mamabear shaving soap (wonderful btw)
Cut to scene 2:
I am in the middle of shaving with one of Bills wonderful restored wedges when fireworks start going off, I cannot hear them behind the thickness of the newly replaced windows in the renovated hotel, however, just as I begin my first pass below my side burns my wife screams "Honey look, fireworks", coincedentally, this is about the same time that I pierce my left earlobe with the edge of the razor. Let me repeat myself...this is about the same time that I pierce my left earlobe with the edge of the razor.
Now when I say pierce, I dont mean cut, or nick, or even gouge, I mean put a hole from front to back that I could almost place a fishing hook through.
Anyway after several towels and at least 5 separate applications of the styptic pencil INSIDE the hole in my ear it finally stopped bleeding. 36 hours, some hydrogen peroxide, and two showers later it looks much better, but you can still see a nice little slit in my ear.
So I assume what all of you are thinking right now that must of hurt, but honestly, I didnt feel a damn thing I just noticed the blood pouring down my neck and chest.
So what I am trying to if you had any doubts about Bill's honing skills I can safely (or in this case not so safely) say that his blades are sharper than hell.
Anywhoo thats how I began saturday night/sunday morning
09-11-2006, 07:37 AM #2
Now get yourself a ring and if she doesn't like it, remind her that she shares the blame with Bill
09-11-2006, 08:05 AM #3
Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
09-11-2006, 08:57 AM #4
Originally Posted by JLStorm
09-11-2006, 10:04 AM #5
I think you should work at a tatoo/piercing parlour JL.
You have nice clean work.. minus the bloodbath.
09-11-2006, 10:14 AM #6
Josh, consider it an unexpected opportunity. Just don't get a large hoop like the gino/guido sub-culture
09-11-2006, 10:37 AM #7
Wow, that's a story! JL, I think you should atleast wear an earing, it will be cool story, and you can take it off after taking some pics for your grand kids...
09-11-2006, 12:46 PM #8
... Josh my boy... don't you know you're supposed to trim your ear-hair with clippers? You could cut yourself using a razor
09-11-2006, 12:57 PM #9
Originally Posted by mrcleanhead
LOL now THAT would be sad....this is actually a beautiful 7/8 square point wedge.
I didnt mention that I was able to finish my shave, althought I had to keep my wife at bay....she was convinced I might cut myself......
09-11-2006, 06:23 PM #10
Notice how much an ear bleeds. I have nicked my ( not pierced) both ears several times when I was distracted and it is a bitch to get the blood to stop. However yours is decrative.