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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Just scored a Puma!

    Puma 89

    My first Puma. I've heard the 89 is an especially nice razor, let's hope this one is in good condition. If it is, I'll consider it a good deal. Will do a review when I get it.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Ok, did I just get a dog and you all are so nice you don't want to break my heart?

    Come on, I can take it. And I'd rather know it now than later. I knew I was taking a risk with that picture...


  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well since you asked. Its not the greatest picture but cosmetically it looks well used. Of course when you get it it may still be a great shaver. Think of it like a xmas present, until you unwrap it you don't know what your getting.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    Well since you asked. Its not the greatest picture but cosmetically it looks well used. Of course when you get it it may still be a great shaver. Think of it like a xmas present, until you unwrap it you don't know what your getting.

    Yes, the pic showed a lot of wear but I saw no frown, nicks, etc. I am mostly buying this to check out the shave, if it's a great shaver I won't be complaining at all... And I am not concerned for the next generations... Also I already have several other blades so it won't get used every day.

    The thing is, I have been trying to get a Puma to check out the shave and nobody here sells one (uh, I missed one from Gary, actually) so now I need to take risks.


  5. #5
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    I would venture to say that you have a very nice razor coming to you. Even if it's not perfect, it looks to be in great restorable condition.

    I love Puma steel. A Puma was my knife choice in Vietnam. (Puma White Hunter) Paid $35, which was a fortune at the time and had my dad send it to me.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Got the Puma. Someone had sharpened it with a bench grinder! Oh, the abuse...

    I'm serious, I almost had tears in my eyes... Contacted the seller and offered to return for a refund or get a discount. He agreed to a discount but I still don't see it in my account.

    However, today, my new (to me) Norton 4k/8k was waiting for me at my office after lunch break. Since I had expected this, I had taken the Puma with me. Several sets produced a new bevel, finished with some newspaper (just picked up this tip today thanks SRP!!!)

    Now the Puma is popping HHTs quite nicely. The width of the bevel is not totally uniform along the edge, but I'll try to work on this tonight some more. I plan to shave with it tonight! It still looks seriously abused but if it shaves well I'll be quite happy.


  7. #7
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    I love Puma steel. A Puma was my knife choice in Vietnam. (Puma White Hunter) Paid $35, which was a fortune at the time and had my dad send it to me.
    I've got one myself, and love it. It was a little quality time with Baby and a hone a few weeks ago that prompted my request in the buy&sell forum for a Puma razor, and I snagged a NOS Puma Stockman off of ebay that I plan to give to my dad for Christmas to replace his worn-out old Buck. I've been in serious Waidblatt lust for some time, but can't justify the green.

    Do the Puma razors also have the little dimple in them from where they've been individually hardness-tested?

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Getting closer!

    After the aggressive sequence yesterday I shaved with the rehabilitated Puma and she wasn't quite where I want her.

    Today I did the "modified" sequence (shared by Lynn in Superfly's old thread) and then 15 on my Lithide, concentrating on using no / minimal pressure. Haven't shaved again yet (and not sure if I'll shave tonight / tomorrow at all) but I can feel it is sharper and see more uniformity along the edge. By the way, I conditioned my strop again and had more drag. Suspect the strop has as much to do with the improved performance as the hones.

    Is Puma Special 89 6/8 the low end of the Pumas (like Dovo Special - really nothing special about it?) Even if it is, she feels really nice in my hands... I love the shape, she's not too flexible and the jimping on both the top and bottom of the shank makes it very convenient to hold


  9. #9
    OLD BASTARD bg42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    I would venture to say that you have a very nice razor coming to you. Even if it's not perfect, it looks to be in great restorable condition.

    I love Puma steel. A Puma was my knife choice in Vietnam. (Puma White Hunter) Paid $35, which was a fortune at the time and had my dad send it to me.

    You got in before me ,I was about to say that if its no good Bill would be able to fix it
    Regards Peter

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by bg42
    You got in before me ,I was about to say that if its no good Bill would be able to fix it
    Regards Peter
    Thanks, Peter

    The thing is that I have not advanced as much as you in razor restoration, custom scales with inlays, etc. but I would at least like to be able to sharpen my blades

    This way I am getting satisfaction because I both spend more time with my razors and am able to get them in a usable condition by myself... I plan to resort to Bill and / or the other meisters here for more advanced tasks.


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