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Thread: Post Office Does It Again.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Slamthunderide's Avatar
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    Default Post Office Does It Again.

    I have been waiting 3 days for a razor, The ETA was 11-30-11 or 12-1-11, I screwed my back up a few years back, so I sit a Home all day the mail lady usually delivers the mail about the same time everyday so I see her pull up and put somthing in the mail box so I go out and check no package not a problem I just wait till tomorrow plus my internet went down yesterday so I couldn't track it. This morning internet is up so I check to see where it's at it has been delivered. So I called the Local P.O. and I tell them I saw the Mail lady put mail in my box yesterday but no package so I ask where did it go. Told them that I watched her put somthing in our box and I hobbled out the just as soon as she pulling out . so no one had taken out of the box. Everyome makes mistakes she may have put in someone else's box . If that happens it more than likely turn up who ever got it will put it in there box and she will get it and bring it to me. So here I'm sitting here listening for that sound of the mail truck. I think I'm the only one here that uses a straight razor but who knows ? If I don't find it I'm not out of a lot of money $29.00 is not going to break me. Thanks for letting me rant & rave .IJust as I finished I heard a horn blow it was the Mail Lady and she had my Razor
    Last edited by Slamthunderide; 12-01-2011 at 04:10 PM. Reason: Razor Delivered

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    She probably tried it thinking it was something she could use and had second thoughts and didn't want it.
    nun2sharp likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
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    A timely edit, indeed

    I know what it's like to be constantly let down by the postal service. Canada Post is notoriously slow, I routinely have to wait 10 "business" days (read: 14 days real time) for any delivery, domestic or continental. I admit to being jealous of our members who report getting their packages within a couple days.

    A good example: I've had orders tracked after leaving SRD in Ohio. The package enters Canada and is routed to a main postal depot in Montreal, which is almost on the complete opposite side of the country from Edmonton! Of course I then have to wait for it to be processed and shipped from the east all the way out to Alberta. Two weeks delivery is almost being optimistic. Sad, but true.

  4. #4
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    Y'all have it lucky in the USA and Canuckistan - compared to down here, old Mexico way.

    Firstly - international shipments all go via Mexico City where EVERYTHING is opened, pawed over, tossed around - and often stolen - by Customs. Then it's released to the domestic (State) carrier.
    Secondly - Mexico City is 6 hours by road from us. We live in the northeast's major Gulf Coast port city of Tampico. Mail takes around three weeks to get to us from the Capital.

    Sensible alternatives are: use DHL or FedEx - both very expensive - or have all internet purchases shipped to a mailbox in McAllen, TX. I can hit the road and make the border in just over 4 1/2 hours - so there and back in a day (it's about 320 miles each way) is do-able but a PITA.

    Sure - we have 'Express Mail' - they just hit the donkey a bit harder!

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