So, I just found out that I will need shoulder surgery pretty soon. This has sort of been a long time coming, I just didnt realize it would come so soon! Anyway, I just refuse to shave with anything other than a straight, I just cannot do it, I would rather not shave. The first week when I am on serioud pain killers I am just not going to shave, but the following weeks I guess I am going to have to just shave with my left (and dominant) hand, and not stretch the skin. I am thinking of starting to shave like this now before I need to just to see if I can do it. I figure when I first started I shaved more with my left hand and I didnt know about stretching the skin, so it can be done, I suppose.

Anyway, I find out tomorrow when I have it, but they dont know if it will be two weeks or 8 weeks before I get my arm out of a sling, and they wont know until they are doing the surgery and find out if they absolutely have to relocate some tendons to other parts of the bone after they cut part of the bone off. The MRI and X rays told them everything BUT that grrr...

Sooo...I will only be able to type with one hand for at least a few weeks after the surgery (it may take up to a month since my surgeon is the department head, he is harder to schedule with). So needless to say my posting will be seriously compromised! I will post my giveaway before then and have an ending date for entries about 6 - 8 weeks later so I know I can type well when its time to figure out a winner. I will also work on the jackets more...although right now I am just waiting for a live sample so I can make sure its ok, then it should be time to actually order, finally!!! However the vendor directory is going to have to wait, as I am not typing all that or formatting with one hand!!!

Ok so anyway....what do you guys I being overly stubborn, or can I at least keep shaving with a straight?