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03-12-2012, 11:59 PM #1
I tried to get a shave by a barber today but got refused
I have visions of hot towels getting pampered for a shave at a barber shop etc. Until today I have never had that chance.
For a little background I usually shave with cold water and I timed myself a while ago and my whole shave including stropping and lathering took 3 minutes and 40 seconds. [I still can't beat my coworker with his electric for time!] I shave because work requires it not because I want to.
Today my wife and I went to the Mall Of America. I live about 10 miles from there but have never been there. We are doing a staycation and staying in town this week we have off. Where would people go from out of town if they were visiting and the Mall was one of the suggestions from people I asked.I knew there was The Art Of Shaving store there and it was on my list of places to stop. I didn't realize that they had actual barbers there and made an appointment to have their Royal treatment. I needed it like a hole in the head but what the heck, I am on vacation. When I returned later at the assigned time they sat me down on the chair only to inform me that if I had already shaved today they wouldn't give me one. But they would trim me up and cut my hair. I stopped her right there and left. The shave was the point of the matter. Didn't buy anything else I was thinking of either. If that is their policy I can understand but they let me make an appointment and come back.
I came back home and gave myself another shave.
Overall I spent $1.32 at the mall. Walking around there was some money laying on the floor. People were walking by. I thought that it might be some of the advertising fake bills that people drop around. They looked real from above so I picked them up. They were. $4 No one stopped or was standing by so I put them in my pocket. I bought my wife a token gift for $5.32 after tax so I was out $1.32 for the day!
Although I don't think it was a complete waste of time I would not recommend going to the Mall Of America unless you want to eat and buy bigger clothes afterwards.
TimLast edited by 32t; 03-13-2012 at 12:01 AM.
03-13-2012, 12:04 AM #2
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Thanked: 194wow, that sucks lol. They should deffinatly tell people that before hand. Glad to hear the day wasn't a total waste
03-13-2012, 12:30 AM #3
I don't understand why they won't reshave someone? If I shave at 6AM and it's now 3 or 4 pm what difference does it make. I often shave again in the evening 6AM to 6PM is 12 hrs of growth.
If I shave using 2 passes is it bad that I use up the rest of my lather with 3 more passes? Doesn't make sense!
03-13-2012, 01:57 AM #4
Her reason was razor burn.
I am doing an experiment and just shaved for the third time today. 2 passes each time.
I tried "fine" valve grinding compound on a seat belt strop. It left an interesting scratch pattern. A little harsh. My right cheek is a little hot.
03-13-2012, 04:22 AM #5
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Thanked: 1195Razor burn, coupled with the possibility of ingrowns and weepers/cuts is actually a very valid reason for a store to refuse a second shave. I think it's fair to say that the majority of men couldn't take the rigours of shaving more than once a day, and it would be considered bad form for a cutomer to walk away from ANY barbershop with a red bloody face. Most customers would refuse to pay if that happened to them, so it likely isn't worth it for the vendor for those reasons.
That being said, I don't blame you for walking out. They wouldn't perform a service you wanted, so why settle for no sake other than to spend more money. At least you know the score for the next time, if there will even be a next time
03-13-2012, 03:52 PM #6
The products they are trying to sell are suppose to prevent all of this. I have never used hot towels, preshave oil, and fancy cremes. The idea for me was to see what it all was about. If a guy has 3 day growth it is easy to show improvement. I think that the barber took one look at my shave with a $10 antique store razor and soap from the drug store and thought they couldn't do better.
03-13-2012, 04:14 PM #7
Everyone's face is different...some people have to do all the fancy prep stuff to prevent those things from one shave a day.
The good news is, you probably didn't miss out...if I remember correctly AoS uses a shavette...and if you know how to know your face better than anyone. there is a 95% chance some other person will not be able to shave your face as well.
03-13-2012, 11:08 PM #8
Yea, using a shavette to try and shave a 5 o clock shadow spells big trouble for the shavee and maybe a punch in the nose for the shaver. Especially if you are someone used to an electric razor or cartridge.
No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
03-20-2012, 03:48 PM #9
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Thanked: 5I think that you guys are correct. All of the barbershops that I have been to use shavettes and not true straight razors. One can understand why though; hygiene. They can easily swap out the blade from one customer to the next. I'm not sure if you've ever tried a shavette, but in my opinion they are terrible. The barber was taking one out to touch me up and got quite offended when I refused to let him touch the blade to my face. Im sure I came off like a snob.
The point being that you probably lucked out here! You don't want any of that razor burn mess. Also, you are probably correct in your assessment that the barber was intimidated by your previous shave. Who would want to follow up a presumably BBS or DFS done by a real straight razor?
Having said that, the customer is always right, and if you asked for the shave he should have been prepared to give it to you.