Have been straight shaving for about six months now and loved every minute of it.
I have a couple of full hollows and a frame back and rotate them from time to time.
Been wanting a wedge for sometime and just purchased a Joseph Rogers 6/8 circa 1840. Blade is in fairly good condition and has custom scales made from leopard wood but I'm not keen on the shape of the scales so will be fabricating new ones shortly and will do some work on the blade too. Shall post pics once its finished.
Anyway, had my first shave with it tonight and I'm stunned. Kind of hard to get used to as the shave is almost silent and it was so smooth I though it was not even shaving! Shaving it certainly was though and I ended up with a BBS shave after 2 x WTG & 1 ATG passes, zero irritation or burn either.
Very impressed with this razor

Is there a favourite style of blade in general with you guys or is it a personal/individual thing ?