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Thread: Somewhere in time!

  1. #1
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Somewhere in time!

    I had an amazing experience this last weekend. My mother is getting older (83 now) and it's nice to help her with some of the upkeep and fixits that she can't do herself around her house. So my wife and I spent the weekend with her in the house I grew up in, to do a little refresh and refurb so to speak.

    I have to set the scene here. Several years ago my mother refurbished her guest bathroom and installed all antiques. Tiled the walls and floor to enhance the Old time feel. Claw footed bath tub, pedestal sink, even the toilet has the tank up by the ceiling with copper piping running down.

    So that was the setting. I brought my shave kit along for the weekend (DE instead of my usual SR for convenience). Vintage Gillete DE, Fuller shaving brush, mug and shaving cream, and I brought along my Old Spice (was a favorite of my Dad's).

    I set everything out and started my routine. The pedestal sink has the old two separate brass faucets, so I put the rubber plug on the old brass chain in the sink drain and filled the sink from the Hot faucet only to soak my mug and brush. Got out of a hot shower to a steamy bathroom. The window opened slightly so I can hear the sound of the kids in the neighborhood starting their day of biking or baseball, etc. I applied my pre-shave oil, worked up a good lather, then wiped the mirror.

    While shaving in this bathroom setting from the late 1800s, and carried by the smells and sounds, I was transported in my mind to slower more simple time. No TV, radio or rush hour. No cell phones or hurry to be 5 places in the next 30 minutes. I forgot about the economy, and Presidential campaigns. After a careful shave I splashed on the Old Spice a little heavier than I usually do, and was filled with memories of sitting and watching my father get ready for work. All the smells came back, even the Brylcream he used to keep his short cropped hair in place.

    It was amazing! At the same time I was myself, my father and my grandfathers all at once.

    It was with a significant pang of regret when I finished and had to leave the bathroom and was rocketed back to the present day. However, It was a singularly nostalgic and special weekend I spent not only with my mother, but the with the spirit of generations past and a greater appreciation for a slower pace of life somewhere in time.

    I did make a small mental note. Next time I'll take my old Griffin Carbo-Magnetic straight razor along with my Medal of Award strop. Now I am looking forward to another weekend of helping Mom and another special shave in that bathroom. (Too bad I can't remodel my Shave Den at home like this)
    Last edited by KindestCutOfAll; 03-26-2012 at 09:45 PM. Reason: Splelng ahs yusuel
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Your story reminds me of my childhood memories of my grandpa's bathroom in a Chicago row-house and his razor strops hanging near the pedestal sink. Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    yea out in these parts of the country shaving means a trip to the outhouse and having to pump the water and heat it over the fireplace and shave by lamplight. Don't know anything bout no T.V, rush hour of what phones? We got a radio though.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    yea out in these parts of the country shaving means a trip to the outhouse and having to pump the water and heat it over the fireplace...
    Hey BS, you could save yourself a step. Take up Cold Lather Shaving that some people are recommending.

    If your shaving brush doesn't freeze to the mug, it should REALLY wake you up!!!
    Last edited by KindestCutOfAll; 03-26-2012 at 11:41 PM. Reason: Splelng ahs yusuel
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by KindestCutOfAll View Post
    I had an amazing experience this last weekend. My mother is getting older (83 now) and it's nice to help her with some of the upkeep and fixits that she can't do herself around her house. So my wife and I spent the weekend with her in the house I grew up in, to do a little refresh and refurb so to speak.

    I have to set the scene here. Several years ago my mother refurbished her guest bathroom and installed all antiques. Tiled the walls and floor to enhance the Old time feel. Claw footed bath tub, pedestal sink, even the toilet has the tank up by the ceiling with copper piping running down.

    So that was the setting. I brought my shave kit along for the weekend (DE instead of my usual SR for convenience). Vintage Gillete DE, Fuller shaving brush, mug and shaving cream, and I brought along my Old Spice (was a favorite of my Dad's).

    I set everything out and started my routine. The pedestal sink has the old two separate brass faucets, so I put the rubber plug on the old brass chain in the sink drain and filled the sink from the Hot faucet only to soak my mug and brush. Got out of a hot shower to a steamy bathroom. The window opened slightly so I can hear the sound of the kids in the neighborhood starting their day of biking or baseball, etc. I applied my pre-shave oil, worked up a good lather, then wiped the mirror.

    While shaving in this bathroom setting from the late 1800s, and carried by the smells and sounds, I was transported in my mind to slower more simple time. No TV, radio or rush hour. No cell phones or hurry to be 5 places in the next 30 minutes. I forgot about the economy, and Presidential campaigns. After a careful shave I splashed on the Old Spice a little heavier than I usually do, and was filled with memories of sitting and watching my father get ready for work. All the smells came back, even the Brylcream he used to keep his short cropped hair in place.

    It was amazing! At the same time I was myself, my father and my grandfathers all at once.

    It was with a significant pang of regret when I finished and had to leave the bathroom and was rocketed back to the present day. However, It was a singularly nostalgic and special weekend I spent not only with my mother, but the with the spirit of generations past and a greater appreciation for a slower pace of life somewhere in time.

    I did make a small mental note. Next time I'll take my old Griffin Carbo-Magnetic straight razor along with my Medal of Award strop. Now I am looking forward to another weekend of helping Mom and another special shave in that bathroom. (Too bad I can't remodel my Shave Den at home like this)
    Nicely written ! and a Lucky man........................

  6. #6
    lz6 is offline
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    Thanks for sharing the experience.

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