I thought I had this AD thing beat. When I started straight razors a year or so ago I did the typical newbie thing and bought everything and anything i could get y hands on. i quickly grew a 20+ razor collection, a number of stones both natural and synthetic, 5 strops and on and on..

Our business had to close and to clear up some debt I sold everything off.. huge mistake but it was better than carrying the burden of the business with me. I had myself mentally convinced that a straight was just to much maintenance.

So a month ago I was really missing the straight razor so as things had gone back to normal I ordered a new 6/8 Friodur. Not a vintage one but one of the more recent regrind ones. The razor arrived less than shave ready so I was most disappointed and had not the stones to fix the problem with. So I ordered a new 6/8 Bismarck. I should have looked at my old posts, I always said one razor was okay but once you bought the second that started a chain reaction that can not be stopped.

So in the past 3-4 weeks I have bought

6/8 Friodur
6/8 Dovo Bismarck
6/8 Morley
6/8 Pipe Razor
5/8 Puma
5/8 duble duck
3 vintage Brush Handles
3 GNB badger knots
Vie-Long Horse Hair brush
Alembic Case
6 soaps/creams
Chosera 2k
Naniwa SS 5k
Naniwa 8k snow white
Welsh WT stone

And then there are 2 transactions in paypal I can not recall what they were...

Oh I hope I get to mailbox before SWMBO over the next few weeks.