So, I have been surfing the web for a while, and have been unable to really find a place that has a good comprehensive list of barbershops in the US (and else where whenever I have traveled) that offer straight shaves.

so, I figure the best place to ask if anyone knows of one would be here, on a forum dedicated to shaving.

so, is there a pretty good comprehensive list?

if not, we should build one for the site, have it as a sticky or in the Library. I think that it could be a useful resource for any and all who are interested in getting a straight shave (like me, even though I shave with a straight now, I still want to get one from a barber shop)

My guess would be organize it by states, if it is a sticky, just organize it by states, if it is in the Library or something like that, set it up as a link for each state as well as possibly a few links to big citys

does anyone else think this would be useful?

(ps: if I missed a list somewhere I must be blind, please direct me to it)