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Thread: Ebay blades always unclean?Possibly risk of transmitable infections?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Maybe your folks are just trying to get you away from straights. A little scare tactic. Dunno, I am sure they are just concerned.

  2. #12
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Anyone that hones a razor will hone it to clean new shiny metal, the potentially dangerous surface has been removed. You'd have to use a razor like Sweeny Todd to get enough blood on it to make it dangerous

  3. #13
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    rubbing alcohol will take care of about 98% of anything that might be on your blade but you will have to let it soak for at least 10 mins to really get anything close to sterilization same with boiling water dont worry about damaging the temper on the blade with boiling water it wont happen unless you boil off all the water the joy of boiling water is it is +/-3 degrees away from 100 degrees c not enough to mess with the temper. UV and oxygen are the two most destructive forces known to bacteria and viruses soaking your razors in H2O2 for an hour then letting them sit out in the sun will take care of everything

  4. #14
    xuz is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanjewell View Post
    Not sure I will ever go this far...but just out of curiosity, could dunking a blade in boiling water for 10 minutes mess with the temper?
    Not sure myself. I can't imagine any blade whose heat treatment will be affected at 100 degrees Celsius, but I wonder myself.
    As rodb says, maybe the thing to do is quickly dip it and then remove it.

  5. #15
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodb View Post
    Just the fact that you are sanding, honing and stropping the blade will kill everything on it, plus you are using shaving "soap" with is disinfecting. Boiling could damage the temper of the blade, a quick dip in and out of boiling water would probably be enough. Barbicide would be the best way
    Rob! You are Spot On!

    I can’t believe how paranoid some people can be!!

    Wipe the damn blade off with some alcohol, ‘dip’ it some boiling water and or use the Barbicide!!!

    For the love of God! The blades that are being discussed here haven’t’ been used in years!!!!

    Does anyone really think that a blade would still have the ability to transmit a virus or bacteria that the previous owner had after all these years??

    I could see wanting to have some reassurance if the blade had been used by someone very recently but to be so paranoid about something that hasn’t been used for years and years just doesn’t make any sense!!

    Get Real!

    Oh! I hope all will remember to use the alcohol wipes provided at the grocery store each and every time they use the shopping cart at the grocery store!!

    You can’t be Too Careful!!
    rodb, Cove5440 and Tylerbrycen like this.

  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Walk into the bathroom

    Pick up the Disposable razor that is probably sitting there IN THE BATHROOM, that was left there with Skin, Hair, Soap, and Water still inside it...
    Explain how dirty the bathroom of a house really is (if you are unsure GIYF) that little cartridge probably has way more potential to cause hygiene related problems than your straight razor that you clean, oil, and care for after every shave, let dry completely, and strop to clean off the edge before your next shave...

    Boiling water is not hot enough to effect temper: but it will sure mess up scales...

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  8. #17
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Boiling water is not hot enough to effect temper: but it will sure mess up scales...
    Preach it, brother!

    I have so many razors with screwed up scales thanks to previous owners and boiling water...
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  9. #18
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Walk into the bathroom

    Pick up the Disposable razor that is probably sitting there IN THE BATHROOM, that was left there with Skin, Hair, Soap, and Water still inside it...
    Explain how dirty the bathroom of a house really is (if you are unsure GIYF) that little cartridge probably has way more potential to cause hygiene related problems than your straight razor that you clean, oil, and care for after every shave, let dry completely, and strop to clean off the edge before your next shave...

    Boiling water is not hot enough to effect temper: but it will sure mess up scales...
    Thanks Glen!

    I thought that I was the only one with any common sense about this issue!

    Maybe we should form a 'Club' 'The Old and Sensible Ba****ds'!!
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  10. #19
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Walk into the bathroom

    Pick up the Disposable razor that is probably sitting there IN THE BATHROOM, that was left there with Skin, Hair, Soap, and Water still inside it...
    Explain how dirty the bathroom of a house really is (if you are unsure GIYF) that little cartridge probably has way more potential to cause hygiene related problems than your straight razor that you clean, oil, and care for after every shave, let dry completely, and strop to clean off the edge before your next shave...

    Boiling water is not hot enough to effect temper: but it will sure mess up scales...
    I never thought about a cartridge razor like that before, yuck!! That's another reason to never use those things!
    gssixgun likes this.

  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by xuz View Post
    I am no expert in this matter, but I always try to sterilize them. You can get through 10 razors, but it's that 11th one that gets you the herpes.

    2) Prepare a cup of diluted bleach. About 10 to 20% by volume should do it. I don't have any razors with plating, but I've heard that chlorine can damage. So use diluted solution first.
    3) Spray rubbing alcohol on the razor and wipe clean. I use the 99% Isopropyl, but not sure if concentration matters.
    Personally, I'd pass on using that much chlorine. As a homebrewer, I use a dilute solution of chlorine to sanitize my equipment, and this is 1 tablespoon in 5 gallons of water. I also never use this on steel implements. Unless it is thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly rinsed off, the chlorine will form salts as it dries, trapping water against the steel, causing even stainless to pit.

    Using the isopropyl is a much better idea, methinks.

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