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  1. #11
    Senior Member harold's Avatar
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    I'm going to hunt for a norton 4/8, I already have a coticule and that'll complete my honing ensemble (can't go for anything else like a dremel yet since I live in a tiny tiny studio with no 'outside' )

  2. #12
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by garythepenman View Post
    As we are getting towards that time of year for giving and receiving I wonder what is on some of your wish lists...shaving that is..not Ferraris..super yachts etc..

    You know I never thought I would say this, and mean it, but nothing. I am very happy with my current rotation of razors ( TI is missing but whatever) My silvertip brush was my dads. I have a 4 sided paddle strop from Tony and a regular 3" hanging strop from Dovo. I am happy I guess with what I have. Hummm somthing's wrong here... I know pants to shave in...

  3. #13
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    I nice hanging strop from Tony, a nice brush from Matt, a couple of nice razors, oh yea and that Super Yacht to keep them in. Its just for shaving mind you I wouldn't want to use it for anything else

  4. #14
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    I have nothing shave related directly either, but boy do I need a better towel or something. I hate when it goes flying off. I don't shave in the morning as much anymore but when I do I want something thats better than a towel.

    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    You know I never thought I would say this, and mean it, but nothing. I am very happy with my current rotation of razors ( TI is missing but whatever) My silvertip brush was my dads. I have a 4 sided paddle strop from Tony and a regular 3" hanging strop from Dovo. I am happy I guess with what I have. Hummm somthing's wrong here... I know pants to shave in...

  5. #15
    Senior Member jscott's Avatar
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    i'd like:

    1 - 2 sided pasted paddle from tony(1.0 , 0.5) for easy touch ups instead of breaking out the 12k each time.

    2 - radial bristle discs on 1/8shank for my dremel... still can't figure out how to order these things even after that very numeric and indepth reply from gary.

    3 - a 6/8th damascus from maestro in that green briar burl or olivewood.

    4 - more shelf space in the bathroom from the wife for all my shaving supplies.


  6. #16
    Senior Member Olav Vittfarne's Avatar
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    Default Re: What shaving gear on your list ?

    My X-mas present is on its way from Tony.
    Razor, No1 3" Hanging strop and a 4 sided panel strop pasted on three sides.
    And then I gave myself one of Gary's razors which is also on it's way.
    It's gonna be a sharp X-mas.


  7. #17
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLStorm View Post
    A wee little razor from Bill
    So how do you like that razor so far, Josh?

  8. #18
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    There have been a few replies that have mentioned his name already, so I don't know if my little present will arrive by Christmas time; but I've also been in talks with Matt about a brush.

    From what I can tell, he's a busy man, since he works both a day job and does all of this great custom work for people. Also, I'm told there's a bit of a wait on the material he'll be using for my brush. But I'm sure it will be worth it in the end!

    I've decided on a 24mm Super Silvertip brush. The handle will be made from hippopotamus ivory.

    I like the fact that this brush will be almost 100% creature. Badger hair, as you all know, is nature's perfect bristle...and I think hippo tooth may end up being nature's perfect shaving brush handle material.

    Although it's a herbivore, hippopotami are incredibly territorial, and on average, they are responsible for more deaths in Africa each year than any other animal! How cool is that?! Who knows how many tribesman and ignorant tourists the tooth this brush will be constructed from has personally dispatced with!? My brush could totally beat up your brush! Ha ha!

  9. #19
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Wielder View Post
    I've decided on a 24mm Super Silvertip brush. The handle will be made from hippopotamus ivory.

    I like the fact that this brush will be almost 100% creature. Badger hair, as you all know, is nature's perfect bristle...and I think hippo tooth may end up being nature's perfect shaving brush handle material.
    Personally, I will never buy an ivory anything, because I don't like the fact that animals get killed just for their teeth. It's not like the handle adds anything to the shaving experience, other than 'look at my handle' machismo.

    As for my wish list, I think a soap mug would be nice.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Wielder View Post
    Although it's a herbivore, hippopotami are incredibly territorial, and on average, they are responsible for more deaths in Africa each year than any other animal! How cool is that?!
    I'm no expert, but I would guess that there is some species of mosquito that is responsible for more deaths than hippos. Maybe you could get some amber with an entombed mosquito inlayed in the brush.

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