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  • 1 Post By ScottGoodman

Thread: Anyone else having this issue?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Anyone else having this issue?

    Since I've started shaving with a straight I'm a lot more conscious of the whole process, I find myself becoming very aware of stubble when it appears and I'm finding that instead of being a chore, shaving is actualy something I look forward to quite a bit.
    I think my favourite aspect of it is the satisfaction of seeing scraping after scraping of stubble wiped off on the towel and going back for more, in a kind of strange way it feels like somehow cleaning dirt or something off my skin.
    So one thing I notice, is the current trend for these revolting hipster-half-beardy things, completely unmanicured or untended, just guys getting around looking like they've been asleep drunk in a ditch for a week, now that I'm more AWARE of it I seem to be seeing it EVERYWHERE, on TV, on the street, EVERYWHERE.
    Thing is, the overwhelming thought that goes through my head is "ooh that'd be fun to scrape off".
    I'm not sure, it might be a kind of weird obsession, it's a bit like the feeing I get when I see someone with a massive whitehead zit and I just feel this overwhelming urge to pop it.

    Am I the only straight razor shaver in the world to have thought this or am I just the only one silly enough to admit it publicly?

  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Nope, you are the ONLY one.

    I know what you mean though, seeing new "trends" of being un-kept is quite "different". Think about it though, I remember my folks talking about how trends repeat themselves and the such, I couldn't fathom the idea of being like my folks. Then I get older and see the youth doing & wearing the same stuff I did in high-school. Hmmm, maybe the folks were telling the truth...go figure.
    ReardenSteel likes this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Since becoming a straight razor shaver I can't abide stubble. I work in an industry where shaving is optional and I shave daily even though I don't have to. Let me put it another way ..... I'm not required to but I do have to . I'm driven but that is a good thing.

    As for these guys that walk around with varying degrees of beard growth ..... I used to be one of them until I 'saw the light.'

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When you are "into something" you just become more aware of it. So someone who collects watches notices what everyone else wears even though the general public couldn't care less. It's the same thing with shaving. You notice bad shaves on others.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
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    I was wandering the shaving aisle at the local pharmacy, and found a "stubble shaver" -- an electric razor that was designed to _leave_ stubble, rather than take it off!

    Who knew? <g>


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