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Thread: Dilemma

  1. #11
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirStropalot View Post
    Hey Tyler,

    Just to get an idea of shaving with a kamisori take one of you razors and extend the scales straight out like a kamisori style razor. Start on your right side and then shave your whole face with the same side of the blade that you start with on the right side. You can put a little piece of tape on the side your not using up by the spine so you can always be sure it's out. Now, it's not exactly like shaving with a kamisori because of blade design, length and rigid handle, but it will give you an idea of whether you like shaving in the kamisori style. I got the razor first, and then discovered that, for me, well, it just wasn't going to work. Some of it was physical limitations, and some of it was I just didn't care for it. I know a lot of guys love their kamisori and I wish I was one of them, but as they say "different strokes for different folks.". Good Luck!!



    Thanks Howard I'll try this out tomorrow
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Well Howard, I practiced the technique and I can see how it can be alittle different on the other side of my face without switching hands but correct me if I'm wrong. Can u not use the other side and I think I would have more trouble honing than anything

  3. #13
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tylerbrycen View Post
    Well Howard, I practiced the technique and I can see how it can be alittle different on the other side of my face without switching hands but correct me if I'm wrong. Can u not use the other side and I think I would have more trouble honing than anything
    I think I read a post once where someone tried to use the other side of the razor, but I can't remember what the conclusion was. I didn't try it! The kamisori kind of falls into that group of "scary sharp" razors, and I didn't test the waters there. I've never initially honed a kamisori, i.e. set or reset the bevel, but it's my understanding that it's a skill that takes some practice and experience. Glen has a video on it. I honed mine with an already set bevel, and did according to Glens advice from the vid and it was pretty straight forward, but no bevel setting and probably never will since I'm not a kamisori fan, at least as a user. I do like the history and metalurgical aspects of them, but that's about it for me. I'll be sticking to the traditional European style razors. Good Luck with your choice.



  4. #14
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirStropalot View Post
    I think I read a post once where someone tried to use the other side of the razor, but I can't remember what the conclusion was. I didn't try it! The kamisori kind of falls into that group of "scary sharp" razors, and I didn't test the waters there. I've never initially honed a kamisori, i.e. set or reset the bevel, but it's my understanding that it's a skill that takes some practice and experience. Glen has a video on it. I honed mine with an already set bevel, and did according to Glens advice from the vid and it was pretty straight forward, but no bevel setting and probably never will since I'm not a kamisori fan, at least as a user. I do like the history and metalurgical aspects of them, but that's about it for me. I'll be sticking to the traditional European style razors. Good Luck with your choice.


    I need to watch the video over and over

  5. #15
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Shaving with a Kamisori was like learning to shave with a straight over again for me.
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  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Certainly you can shave with both sides. Just be aware the technique changes drastically because of the asymmetric geometry so the angle you hold the razor from one side to the other is quite different. This is why most feel it's designed to be used on one side only. Either that or the Kamisori was designed to be used for two different tasks.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    It's not as cosmic as everyone makes it out to be. I shave withjust my left hand and use both side of the Kamisori... I get great shaves from it.. It doesn't cause any rift in the time continuum if you use both sides.... You may not acheive the rank of Shodokon warrior by using both sides, but it still works. I just use it like any other straight... Honing is a bit different.. But easy to get used to also... Good luck!

  8. #18
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Certainly you can shave with both sides. Just be aware the technique changes drastically because of the asymmetric geometry so the angle you hold the razor from one side to the other is quite different. This is why most feel it's designed to be used on one side only. Either that or the Kamisori was designed to be used for two different tasks.
    Well I can't wait to try it out than When I get it I'm sure I'll have to hone it to get to crazy ass sharp

  9. #19
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    It's not as cosmic as everyone makes it out to be. I shave withjust my left hand and use both side of the Kamisori... I get great shaves from it.. It doesn't cause any rift in the time continuum if you use both sides.... You may not acheive the rank of Shodokon warrior by using both sides, but it still works. I just use it like any other straight... Honing is a bit different.. But easy to get used to also... Good luck!
    As long as it doesn't mess with the time continuum I'll be ok if I'm not a warrior at first

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