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Thread: Did old school barbers do ATG pass?

  1. #1
    little strokes fell great oaks szarvi's Avatar
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    Default Did old school barbers do ATG pass?

    Lately, I was contemplating this concept of BBS...

    I worked once as a deliveryman. I distributed coffee and tea and the like. I had certain, fix routes to cover on fix days of the week - I visited restaurants and pubs - and gradually discovered the places on each route where they sold goood espresso. And drunk it.


    I quit that job years ago and now no espresso is good enough for me. :-( Edit: it is extremely hard to find a place that sells the espresso that matches the ones that I had drunk.

    I worked for a hotel as well, in which there was a confectionery where they made home-made ice cream from fresh milk. As we, colleagues, were on good terms, the confectioners often called me when fresh ice cream had been just made and gave me some to "taste". :-)


    I quit that job years ago and now no ice cream is good enough for me. :-( Bla-bla-bla...

    There were some occasions when I could get a TRUE and effing NICE BBS shave, no matter the method. When I was young, a four day stubble right ATG with a cartridge was nice. Then with a DE it was nice. Then with the straight rarely, but then indeed satisfying.


    Now it is getting harder than ever to get the BBS that I had got occasionally and it certainly chips off of my enjoying shaving in general.

    Have you ever noticed something similar?

    They say - and I truly believe - that happiness does not lie in the future. It is today. It is now. Following this thought, I should be happy with today's shave, otherwise I will never be happy.

    In this day and age we all have access to the tools and knowledge to made a str8 capable of being VERY sharp. I said "the access". I said "very sharp". But how many of the actual shavers bother? Only a handful. But do we have to at all? There is a difference between sharp and sharp. A very nice AND comfortable shave can be achieved with a not-very-sharp razor. But how close...? Do we really have to chase the BBS with a straight? Isn't it the case that this concept exist only because technology enabled us to create such tools as a DE blade and a .1 diamond spray and their brothers and sisters? Is it not that we freely and voluntarily (and with a song on our lips) give up to be happy in the pursuit of happiness...?

    I mean that an average guy with an average equipment and average experience is perfectly capable of creating and maintaining a nice and sharp str8 and have nice AND comfortable shaves.

    It should be emphasized more! Guys... it is easy!!! Only our expectations are over the limit!!!


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  2. #2
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    No offense, but I dont have any idea what this has to do with barbers doing ATG passes. I personally dont care whether or not Im BBS after a shave, because its not going to last all day and its not like every one I meet touches my face. As long as I look like I have a smooth face is really all I care about. And for the most part I get the majority of my face smooth to the touch. I just dont see the connection between espresso and ice cream and a smooth shave.
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  3. #3
    Poor Fit
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasShaver View Post
    No offense, but I dont have any idea what this has to do with barbers doing ATG passes. I personally dont care whether or not Im BBS after a shave, because its not going to last all day and its not like every one I meet touches my face. As long as I look like I have a smooth face is really all I care about. And for the most part I get the majority of my face smooth to the touch. I just dont see the connection between espresso and ice cream and a smooth shave.
    I think he was just making a comparison to some of the finer things he's experienced in his life to achieving what we consider one of the finest things...a BBS shave.
    Not being old enough to have ever experienced a shave from an "old school" barber I can't honestly say. I have heard however, that they would do a WTG and then an ATG. I have had a shave from a modern barber a few times and most now will do a 3 pass shave.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Default Did old school barbers do ATG pass?

    +1 find that I always aim for a BBS. I try to work on my razors until that at least come close and when shaving if I'm not happy with the shave I'm getting, I'll switch over to the Feather AC and finish it off.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Happiness lies within the moment. I do the simple morning shave, 1 pass out the door and I am happy. If I know my face is going to be between a nice, soft, warm , pair of ( watch your mind) hands, then 3 passes might not make me happy. I have only been SR shaving a little while and I have 2 other guys at work trying it out. I don't make anymore of a deal out of it other than no more buying cartridges and it gives me several ways to treat my face when I do shave. I think they are both using can cream and just the razor that I ( no pro for sure) honed on a 4/8 Norton. So far they love it and want to try more of the whole experience. If I told them what I spend they might just go Pfffffff I ain't going there. I don't think we all promote more than simple to start off with. It just makes us happy to go all out, and add some finer points to keep it from being a simple chore. Not everybody is going to go there but what can I say about the first option of shave I use ? What is to discuss. I shave I go to work, period. Oh and I am happy :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  6. #6
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    From 1905 Barbers Manual.

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  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Martin103 For This Useful Post:

    anthogia (01-15-2013), Catrentshaving (01-15-2013)

  8. #7
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    I do it only right below my jaw and lower chin area. It is the only way I can get a smooth shave in that area. A WTG just does not cut it. However, I do 1 to 2 passes. I rarely do a 3 pass shave.
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catrentshaving View Post
    I think he was just making a comparison to some of the finer things he's experienced in his life to achieving what we consider one of the finest things...a BBS shave.
    Not being old enough to have ever experienced a shave from an "old school" barber I can't honestly say. I have heard however, that they would do a WTG and then an ATG. I have had a shave from a modern barber a few times and most now will do a 3 pass shave.
    That makes alot more sense now looking at it that way. Thats what I get for trying to read posts while watching tv. Haha

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