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Thread: help from the ladys PLEASE !!!

  1. #1
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Default help from the ladys PLEASE !!!

    OK so today my x tells me she is gonna get our 11yr old daughter her own little shave / bathroom kit with some disposable razors ect ect , this summer .....

    well i brought up the idea of a vintage Gillette or another vintage/kinda vintage DE , my x said no it was a terrible idea !!!

    so the next ? is ????????

    what is a good DE that i should get her ? ... lol..( yes im buying her one anyway to go with the plastic the x will buy , figure she can learn on the plastic and try the DE if she likes )
    what fragrance of soap/cream , brand would you girls suggest ?
    and since she is young does anyone have an idea of a retailer or someone who may have some brushes that may seem more attractive to a 11/12 yr old ?? she will be 12 this summer
    thanks in advance !!!

  2. #2
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    Maybe I would try to introduce her into the world of wetshaving first, before buying her a DE, brush and cream. What if she doesn´t like it? I´m not really sure if a 12 years old girl will be very pleased about a DE razor
    Show her your razors, brushes and wonderfull creams. Show her the advantages of trad. wet shaving etc and then let her try it !! Let her shave one leg with selfmade lather and a DE and the other leg with "lather" from a can and a plastic cartridge razor, I´m sure she will feel the difference... And if she likes it, buy her her own stuff

    I use a Mühle R107 (R89 head with a white handle) it does a very good job. It is very sensitive and easy to handle. As I brush a would consider a Mühle Silvertip fibre. Creams and soaps...Mama bears shaving soaps (vanilla, creme brulee, good morning honey, hazelnut vanilla, toasted coconut) or floral scented creams (lavander, lilac, rose, etc) from ToOBS Geo F. Trumper, Truefitt and Hill. Cella (almond) would work also very good for a girl.

    Hope I could help you a little bit...

    Last edited by Nona; 01-30-2013 at 09:24 AM.
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  3. #3
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nona View Post
    Maybe I would try to introduce her into the world of wetshaving first, before buying her a DE, brush and cream. What if she doesn´t like it? I´m not really sure if a 12 years old girl will be very pleased about a DE razor
    Show her your razors, brushes and wonderfull creams. Show her the advantages of trad. wet shaving etc and then let her try it !! Let her shave one leg with selfmade lather and a DE and the other leg with "lather" from a can and a plastic cartridge razor, I´m sure she will feel the difference... And if she likes it, buy her her own stuff

    I use a Mühle R107 (R89 head with a white handle) it does a very good job. It is very sensitive and easy to handle. As I brush a would consider a Mühle Silvertip fibre. Creams and soaps...Mama bears shaving soaps (vanilla, creme brulee, good morning honey, hazelnut vanilla, toasted coconut) or floral scented creams (lavander, lilac, rose, etc) from ToOBS Geo F. Trumper, Truefitt and Hill. Cella (almond) would work also very good for a girl.

    Hope I could help you a little bit...

    thanks you helped alot , i thought mayb i would see what kinda interest level she may have before by my personal excitement of having the thought that she may put my emotion before my brain thanks again for the info .. !!!!

  4. #4
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I agree with nona. Hook her on the balms, lotions, creams and soaps first. Perhaps a good soft brush. If you and her can share an appreciation for that, in time you can give her a DE to try.

    And if you want to play it safe, put one in the bathroom for her to use when she is with you. Only if she likes it, give her one for taking with her. That way, you're not picking a battle with your ex over something that she might not even end up liking. Conversely, if she does end up liking it , she'll want to keep it.

    Otherwise, your ex might take it away before your daughter has had a chance to start liking it, and there will be unpleasantness no matter how the cookie crumbles.
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  5. #5
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    I am a guy but I have to say the above posts seem the most logical route. I believe getting her interested in the lathering (brush, soap, cream) would be the route to take her to see if she may follow into interest of DE. I think at the minimum you will hook her with the level of self pampering it will be. Nice smelling lather and a really soft brush. I think she will like these things. After that she may indeed want to see a DE.
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  6. #6
    Lady Wet Shaver Kcbeemo's Avatar
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    I am starting my daughter who just turned 13 out with a brush and cream before suggesting a DE. She has been shaving for about a year with the plastic and canned stuff. I bought her a cheap omega synthetic brush and some cheap omega cream to get her started. I suggest starting her off with the soaps and brushes first and when she gets used to shaving in general you can see about switching her. The Edwin Jagger 89x are good beginner razors. As for brushes I would suggest a boar or synthetic brush to start as they are cheap and will whip up a lather fast. There are several fancy handles out there too. Ive seen all different colors on brushes. As for cream I will list below the scents I like for a girl. BUT I suggest shave sticks for girls. It is so easy to rub on then lather up. has great shave sticks for cheap. I just ordered me a carribean coconut one!

    TOBS Almond (smells like cherries)
    TOBS Avocado (good for starters who dont know if they are sensitive or not and smells good)
    TOBS Lavendar
    Edwin Jagger Sea Buckthorn
    Razo Rock R-160 (again with the cherries, smells very very sweet)
    Razo Rock Cumba Cheech
    Razo Rock Don Marco
    Razo Rock Caribbean Coconut
    Razo Rock Classic (no this isnt a plug for razo rock!)

    Also there are several artisan shave soaps out there with amazing scents (awesome shave sticks)

    Hope that helps!
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