Hello all,

I have been shaving for a while now (5 years), usually with n electric razor and normally have no troubles. I normally don't use talc, but do at times and usually get a very close shave. Not perfect, but to the point where the small amount of stubble i have is practically unseen. However a little over 6 months ago i was talking with a friend, he had the smoothest shave i had ever seen. Did some research and saw that straight razor is preferred because it can produce the closest shave. So i bought a 5 blade Gilette razor and even has a battery to add some vibration (not sure if it has any real use) For about 3 months i have used the straight edge first, and have no problem with the sides of my face. I use a very warm towel, and pad my face for about a minute, put the cream (edge sensitive skin) on and start shaving. The part that drives me crazy is the tip of my chin and underneath my nose (above my upper lip) There is millimeter stubble evenly within these areas. I had initially thought more pressure was the key, until it looked like i was in a fight with a cat. I then tried light, gentle, gradual force, and saw some improvement, but very little.

I am really annoyed because i would like to learn to use a straight razor efficiently, but always have to use my electric to finish the job. (which is a bummer cause my face is on fire at this point) This is a preference, so please do not advise me to stick with the electric, as I would prefer to use both in an effective manner.

Does anyone have any tips? The stubble is VERY noticeable, and at times i wonder if my manual razor shave even did anything! i have replaced my blade twice thinking it dulled quickly, but still with no improvement.

Thank you in advance for any advice anyone may have.