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Thread: Some things you'll have to pry out of my hands

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I have to say, that nothing I can think of will leave the Shave Den (small cramped bathroom).
    If times get hard, the hockey collection will be looked at first, then the second car (squeeky old van), then maybe a gun or two could go.
    My son was told the other night, that when the Reaper comes calling on me, he can have 10 razors of his choice, 5 brushes and the rest are to be spread out on SRP. Of course, he will probably keep all the hones, as he actually likes honing knives & by then, hopefully will know how to hone razors.

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  3. #12
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Well played, sir...well played, in deed!

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  5. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've made arrangements to have my remains burnt on a funeral pyre. All my 'stuff' will be in with the kindling. I had a wife but she wouldn't agree to jumping on to my carcass and perishing with it in the flames so she is history .......

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  7. #14
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I've made arrangements to have my remains burnt on a funeral pyre. All my 'stuff' will be in with the kindling. I had a wife but she wouldn't agree to jumping on to my carcass and perishing with it in the flames so she is history .......
    I agree with her.

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  9. #15
    Senior Member rocarule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I've made arrangements to have my remains burnt on a funeral pyre. All my 'stuff' will be in with the kindling. I had a wife but she wouldn't agree to jumping on to my carcass and perishing with it in the flames so she is history .......
    Would you happen to be of Norse descent.

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  11. #16
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    although i am young to this venture into the shave den i have a few sparatic impulse buy razors that i dont even know why i bought , that id still have trouble parting with and everything since is because it is on my mental list of things i want (or just off the list but catch my eye but i think as of now these are some things that i wont part with

    W. Greaves 7/8 FBU
    not only is it my favorite razor , it has always performed for me and not only gives me a great shave but also is just one of those things where the blade shape , weight , and just everything come together for me .. i enjoy all my Greaves but this one is just perfect for me ..

    W&B Celebrated 17/16
    i had it restored and it is an awesome shaver but for some reason the final factor that determined on getting it restored was from day one that i purchased it i wanted this to be that " just one" razor to be past down to my oldest boy and hope that he will continue what i want to start with him ! and on the bright side i have 2 boys so im just gonna have to find another one as much as id hate to have 2

    Gillette Slim Adjustable
    like my Greaves above this DE just bonds with my ugly face and scared up hands to provide an awesome shave that i dont get from my other DE's ... i mean the others perform as well but they dont bond as well ..

    my coticule
    now i havent mastered it to its potential yet but i have a strange bond with it already , i at least look at it once a day even if im not using it ( like im afraid its gonna rot away or something ) but i cant seem to leave it alone , i say strange cause its not like im getting an amazing edge off it or anything right now so i cant explain it

    and after reading all this we sound like a bunch of nutzzzzz !

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  13. #17
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Unfortunatly, I am like Smeagal from the Hobbit movies when. It comes to my razors.. I have a bunch that I ntended to sell, but I hide them away and take them out to covet once in a while, and then end up putting them back in rotation.
    gooser likes this.

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  15. #18
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I'm still quite new to this awesome hobby, but I have acquired some things that I would never sell. The first 2 things that I always stare at, fondle, molest, down in the display case, are my vintage Plisson shave brush with a beautiful deep red acrylic, almost 3D, wood grain patterned handle, and my John Barber stub tail with virtually no hone wear. Both only come out on special occasions for use.

    My 3 Joseph Rodgers, 7/8 Extra Hollow W&B, and A perfect A. Witte Gold Bug are some of the others I would have a hard time parting with. All the rest can go!!!

    My "dream" razor that I'm seeking out right now is a smiling 6/8 Frederick Reynolds. Ive never experienced a freddy yet and am looking forward to the day I get one.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

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  17. #19
    Senior Member Chreees's Avatar
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    Only thing right now I truly value and would have a hard time selling is my Wade and Butcher. It's not an FBU or anything, but I dig it a lot.

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  19. #20
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    Unfortunately I have let go all the items I would have wanted to keep.. but such is life. I am in the process of getting a Hart razor and depending on my experience with that you may need to pry that one away from me..

    The Silver Tip brush that I made may be the only item on the list currently as you don't have to pry soap out of my hands because I use it all up anyway.

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