At the end of last month, I won this off the bay. Paid for it immediately, and remained calm while I waited for it. Last Friday I sent the guy a message asking if he had a tracking number for it, because it had not yet arrived. Then Sunday, he sent me this message in reply:
[TD]Dear maddafinga,
The razor was sent on March 27th; I did not have atracking number for it. All of the razors I had listed and sold were already.received by the Buyers. Please advise in another day or two if you'fve received it or not.
Sounded very reasonable and concerned, so no worries on my part.
It didn't arrive Monday, so I sent a message to that effect, and said "fingers crossed for tomorrow."
It didn't arrive yesterday, or today. I sent him another message each of those, and have had no response as of yet.
Now I'm kind of wondering, what should I do?