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Thread: Seattle Shavecon 2016... Saturday September 17th

  1. #11
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Wanted to give an update. We have had four vendors confirm for the event and will be present to see and try thier products.

    Whiskey, Ink, & Lace
    Mornington Shave Co
    Barrister and Mann
    Rockwell Razors
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  2. #12
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Here is an update for those of you looking to attend this years meet up:

    Vendor area: So far we have 5 vendors who will be present to showcase thier wares (6th is in the works)

    Dedicated demonstration / instructional area: Have an area set aside for straight razor honing. This will include a USB microscope and a laptop screen to look at edges.

    Raffle and Promo Items Starting to get in some items for the yearly raffle and have some really cool swag lined up from event sponsors

    Discussion / Seminar area
    - There will be a talk by Gareth of Rockwell Razors on his experience with crowdfunding and how he sees it affecting the wet shaving marketplace.
    - A Round Table discussion about the current state of wet shaving and where it might be going in the next few years.

    General area to rest your feet or swap goodies with your new friends.

    Shoot me a PM if you have any questions, hope to see you there!
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MattCB For This Useful Post:

    jmercer (06-22-2016), Prahston (06-23-2016)

  4. #13
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Raffle Tickets Archives - Seattle Shave Convention

    Just recently bought my Raffle Tickets online! Figured a heads-up would be fair so the rest of you don't waste your money as I definitely bought Winners!!

  5. #14
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Default Month out update

    Bit of an update for everyone.

    Happy to say that this years event is being sponsored by:

    Barrister and Mann and Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements... and maybe one more if things work out

    Vendors that will be on site include:

    Whiskey Ink and Lace
    Mornington Shave Co
    Barrister and Mann
    Rockwell Razors
    Crown King / PAA
    Local Gent Shaving Co
    Paragon Shaving
    Olympia Barber School

    Rough Event Schedule:

    8:00 am – Early access for VIP ticket holders

    9:00 am – General Admission access

    10:00 am – Honing Demonstration

    12:00 – Presentation by Rockwell Razors

    1:00 pm – Raffle

    2:00 pm – Roundtable Q+A

    5:00 pm – Last Call

    There is also going to be a honing and straight razor demo area being ran by Glen Mercurio of Gemstar Custom Razors.. and possibly a few others I need to check back with.

    As always I feel like I bit off more than I can chew but it's pulling together ok. Just nailed down the event insurance (blah) and have a few things left on the list. Looking forward to seeing some new faces and some old friends. See you there!

    Prahston and jmercer like this.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  6. #15
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    There is also a limited edition brush that Nathan Clark is doing for the event. If you would like more information, please take a look at his shop page: Seattle Shave Con brush - Envy Shave

    Name:  SSC 2016 Envy Shave Brush.jpg
Views: 179
Size:  27.0 KB
    Prahston and jmercer like this.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  7. #16
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Wait a minute!! Did someone say the Seattle Shave Con is in about two weeks?!?!

    Vendors, Products, Demos, Raffles, Give-Aways, Camaraderie/Info, Limited Run Event Soap & Splash, Custom Event Shave Brush... That's right, a little over two weeks away:

    Seattle Shave Convention - 2016 - Seattle Shave Convention
    MattCB, jmercer and hrfdez like this.

  8. #17
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Any Seattle Locals have inside info on Shaving Related Brick & Mortar within traveling distance from the Shave Con? Driving back/forth from the last couple Shave Cons it just seems like there is a wealth of stuff tucked into nooks and crannys here and there:

    - Traditional Barbershops
    - Wet Shaving Supplies
    - Specialty/Antique Stores
    - Cigar Shops Of Note
    - Restaurants
    - Bars
    - Coffee Shops
    - Misc?

    Locals always know the secret, cool places so share them here if you would be so kind, please. :-)
    MattCB and jmercer like this.

  9. #18
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    The Wet Shaver's Round Table - Episode 60: w/Matthew Broderick/MattCB and The Seattle Shave Con
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  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Is anyone else from out of town hanging around Seattle tonight? I will be near the convention centre tonight if anyone would like to find some coffee with me. PM is interested.

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Is anyone else from out of town hanging around Seattle tonight? I will be near the convention centre tonight if anyone would like to find some coffee with me. PM is interested.
    I wish I was there. Have fun.

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