neehooya, congrats on the knife, I am glad that you like it, and I hope you cook something delicious with it!

719logan, remind me for the next meet, and ill try to bring another one :}

Vance and I had a great time! was very cool to meet everyone and to see all the razors! Vic's microscope was a real eye opener, and ive got to see if I cant get my scope to show me more, and if I cant, then pick up a better one.

And that waitress........ she brought me one of those magic, never empty cups of coffee that gave me an insane caffine buzz that didn't end until a couple hours after we got home. will have to watch her like a hawk next time..... :}

oh, and Vance said he had a good time....... with a little luck maybe I can get him in front of the forge and have him make a couple razors :}