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Thread: Denver Meet Nov. 11 2018

  1. #41
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Dusting of snow starting in Denver now but nothing to write home about. Im shooting for 4 hours sleep before i head to Denver in the morning. Ok, maybe i should say today.
    And to our brothers coming from the north, have a careful drive.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #42
    boz is offline
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    So far 2 - 3 inches in Loveland. I will be leaving for Denver in a couple of hours. See you there.
    A healthy skepticism of both old and new ideas is essential to learning.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Demetrius's Avatar
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    There's about an inch so far at my place in SE Denver. It's coming down pretty hard right now but it isn't sticking to the pavement yet.
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  4. #44
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Just got up to 1.5 inches here in the springs. Coffee, shower, shave, load car and hit the road in the next hour.see ya soon.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Yes! Pictures! Have fun and be safe, Gents!
    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    Pictures, please.
    To my knowledge, there was not a single picture taken.

    We are thinking that we need a new venue for this meet. For one thing the room was freezing and the lighting has always sucked, but the main problem is that because of the high turnover of the management and wait staff, we never build up any 'cred' for how low maintenance and non disruptive we are to the operation of the restaurant. We always leave a big tip, but by the time of the next meet we are an unknown to the new management and wait staff.

    Anyone have any ideas for a new venue for the Denver meet?

  6. #46
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caltoncutlery View Post
    here is a pic of tc's knife with the rest of the batch, it is the top one, and I hope its ok and that it works to link to an Instagram picture as im in the middle of shooting a bunch of youtube sharpening videos and this is faster than uploading to picturetrail like normal.
    Looks good! For all of you looking the one's on the left and right are mine and I just received them a couple of days ago. Very nicely done!
    The scales shown are just temporary because they will have custom scales made by myself and Damon Blades. We intend to use bone and inlay some lapidary work. Maybe some turquoise or. ?
    That work will be done in Jan-Feb when I am in Phoenix. Then they will be brought to the Texas Meet.
    That's the plan !
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  7. #47
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I think we had 7 people for a little while. Then Tom hax to leave for a trip. A lot of talking was done. Joes son did some honing and Joe honed to show his method. We played with Joes scope and compared it to my USB scope and Victors standard scope. Of course Joes won with the best picture. The USB scope worked much better than folks expected and it was proven that its worth the money if you want to buy one.

    Some soap samples were given out by Boz and Vic and i parted with a new boar brush. It was a small gathering and not a lot happened. Just BSing, answering questions, opinions given on subjects and the demonstration of Joes scope and honing.

    Its was uncomfortably cold in the room and as Vic said, lighting was hard on the eyes. After a couple hours i needed to go outside so my eyes could rest. The venue would be best changed but without many folks being from that area its tough to find a new location. Guessing a lot of phone calls will be needed to find a new location unless someone local gives sme ideas.

    Sorry for not having any pics.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #48
    Senior Member caltoncutlery's Avatar
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    good to hear that you got them ok. I hope the scales go well and you get a lot of good service out of them :}

    the meet was a good time! the drive down and back was rough, the room chilly, the light was pretty poor, but the time spent with friends more than made up for the rest :}

    gasmans scope was way nicer than my old veho 400, very impressive for such a low cost scope, and if I was looking for one, id really ask him where he got that one and get one of my own.

    I didn't take any pics or video, and I had just picked up a couple extra batteries for my go pro as I was going to shoot some vids. but I guess we like to talk too much, and so didn't get to it.

    but it was a great time and vance and I are looking forward to the next one. there at the garlic knot or wherever else.
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  9. #49
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Joe, Tell Vance I didn't mean to give him too much of a hard time. I didn't think he looked old enough to drive or shave! Ha.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  10. #50
    boz is offline
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    I enjoyed the meeting, talking with friends and learning a lot. I left early cause the older I get the more chicken I get. There was a day when snow was my friend and I got out the tire chains and skies, now I just head for home. But I did have a good time.
    A healthy skepticism of both old and new ideas is essential to learning.

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