I would like to arrange a get together with the Chicago area shavers, and would like to gauge interest. I have spoken Anthony, owner of the Merz Apothecary, located in the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in downtown Chicago, and he would like to assist and sponsor this gathering. The Merz Apothecary is an old fashioned shaving store with razors, soaps, brushes, DE Razors, straight razors, bath soaps, colognes, aftershaves, and accoutrements. Merz has offered to arrange for a conference room in the Palmer House, invite vendors from brush, soap, DE razor, straight razor, aftershave, and scent companies; to have shaving demonstrations, give away samples, offer discounts on products sold at the Merz store and via their online store, and possibly arrange for a liquor company to have a taste testing. In addition, we can have a meet and greet in the amazing Palmer House bar. In order to arrange all of the vendors, Anthony said this would have to take place sometime early in October, possibly on a Thursday after work. So if you are located in the Chicago area or relatively close like parts of Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan, this is likely to be a great event and a chance to share some laughs with others who actually understand our hobby and acquisition disorders. Please get some discussion going on this so I may tweak this and make this an enjoyable event. I look forward to hearing from you, and in October, meeting you!