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Thread: what to do about the velcro?

  1. #11
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Yeah, I agree with the regular shaving advice - really it's the only way to keep the velcro to a minimum. Generally I shave my head every day - I do it with a straight but only in a north to south direction, I don't go against the grain.

    After a while you get pretty good at getting a pretty close shave that way. But nothing feels quite the same as a good wtg and atg pass with a DE - head skin is soft and when it is completely clean shaven it's hard not to headturbate.

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  2. #12
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    All this talk about head shaving. mother nature and farther time gave me the close shave on the head. The real problem is the shine. in the sun light the glare will blind you.

  3. #13
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    So far its been going well. It turns out I've got a bit of a tall mole on the back of my head that gets nicked once and a while. I'm still not able to really do much ATG so the back stays a bit fuzzy, but its manageable. Oddly, I only now realized how round my head is. I don't know what shape I thought it was, but its weird... I'm still trying to get my brain to accept that this is how I look.. anywho.

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