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Thread: Is it worth it/where to buy Norton waterstones and belgian coticule stones

  1. #1
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    Default Is it worth it/where to buy Norton waterstones and belgian coticule stones

    Hi All,

    I just joined the forum after watching Lynn's DVD. What a treat!

    I got my first razor 2 weeks ago and yesterday I finally had my first "worth mentioning" shave. I'm still very proud. However, I was under the impression my razor is not cutting as it should, and after watching the DVD I realized why. I never honed it! So this prompted a couple of questions:

    1. Are Norton waterstones 4000/8000 8x3''and belgian coticule stones suited for a beginner?

    2. If 1) is yes, what's the average price for these stones and where can I buy it (US and UK) for a reasonable price?

    Many thanks for any help!


  2. #2
    Senior Member ChopperStyle's Avatar
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    Hi dquelhas,

    I've been straight razor shaving and honing for over a year now. Learned most of it from this forum. The Norton 4K/8K and Belgian Coticule were my first two hones. I think the Norton is a little easier to get early results on, but the feel of Coticule edges is what I prefer above other edges natural or synthetic.

    You can watch a few YouTube videos and practice with a cheap razor to get the hang of using a belgian coticule in about 30 minutes, IMHO. What I ended up doing is borrowing the Norton 4K/8K from a friend for a week and then buying a belgian coticule.

    Again, this is all my opinion and my experience. Opinion varies greatly when it comes to honing.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Welcome Dinis,

    If you go to the right hand side of this window and type in Norton 4/8 (or anything else you are looking for) in the Advanced Search box you will get some answers you are looking for.

    Here is a link for you right now:
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    The Norton or naniwa super stones are the most recommended. Coticule are generally not advised for new hones. Then again the first razor it is generally recommended to be sent out otherwise you won't know what truly shave ready is. That said you'll probably find the naniwa ss 12k recommended for finishing(both Lynn and gssixgun have recommended in vids). Good luck
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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy79 View Post
    The Norton or naniwa super stones are the most recommended. Coticule are generally not advised for new hones. Then again the first razor it is generally recommended to be sent out otherwise you won't know what truly shave ready is. That said you'll probably find the naniwa ss 12k recommended for finishing(both Lynn and gssixgun have recommended in vids). Good luck
    Hi Eddy,

    many thanks for your reply. Would you know where I can get my razor properly honed in the UK?


  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Would start in the vendors section of the classifieds. If noting there post a thread in the honing forum asking about honing in the UK and I'm sure you'll come up with plenty of answers.
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  8. #7
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dquelhas View Post
    Hi All,

    I just joined the forum after watching Lynn's DVD. What a treat!

    I got my first razor 2 weeks ago and yesterday I finally had my first "worth mentioning" shave. I'm still very proud. However, I was under the impression my razor is not cutting as it should, and after watching the DVD I realized why. I never honed it! So this prompted a couple of questions:

    1. Are Norton waterstones 4000/8000 8x3''and belgian coticule stones suited for a beginner?

    2. If 1) is yes, what's the average price for these stones and where can I buy it (US and UK) for a reasonable price?

    Many thanks for any help!

    The answer to question 1. is clearly 'yes' in regards to the Norton 4/8 (check out the JANorton thread)
    The answer to question 2. is probably unknown in regards to the first part (I mean I'd have to add up all the prices of all the hones for sale and divide by the number of hones for sale; possibly a little time consuming) and in regards to the second part of the second question I'd recommend Straight Razor Designs, simply because that's where I got mine.
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  9. #8
    Member: Swerve Swerve's Avatar
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    The naniwa super stones work really well too. I got a Norton 4k/8k combo and naniwa super stones 1k and 12k. I lovem
    Last edited by Swerve; 09-26-2013 at 08:43 PM.
    Thank you,

  10. #9
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    There are few honemeisters in UK fully pro and occasional. The best is to look in classifieds and also to look what is around where you live.

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