A couple of folks here asked for pics of the stones I was using. Not shown are the red, melon, and cream shaptons--cause we all know what they look like.

Japanese stones:

From left to right: Binsui, Aoto, and Hideriyama (Maxim). On woodworking tools, this series gives me a marginally sharper edge, somewhat faster, than the shaptons named above. They pass the ultimate test: when sat side by side, which one to I go to most often?.

On right from bottom to top: Ohira Suita (ebay). Excellent stone. Leaves a wicked edge. Haven't tried it on razors yet. I can't decide whether I like this or the hideriyama better. Probably the hideriyama simply because it's got that irregular rock shape. But, I could to without either and be perfectly happy with other. It's very hard.

Right side, middle: Nakayama from Alex. Currently learning to use this--the shave I took off it this morning was best yet. Very hard stone. Harder than the Ohira.

Right side, top: Atagoyama from Ebay. Outstanding. Softer than the Ohira and Nakayama, but very, very fine and very, very fast. Great hone for the razor. Haven't tried it with tools yet. I"m between major projects, so the stones are not getting the very extensive they'd get when I'm sharpening a whack of chisels and plane blades.

I find the very best way to find out which is the 'best' stone is to put a few side by side and then work through a major project. A table with mortice and tenon joinery, or a bookshelf with lots of through tenons or dovetails. When tired and wanting to get through it, your body figures out right quick which stone (and tools) give the best edge with the least effort and the most durability.

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Next, Arkansas stones. Soft, hard, translucent, black. All "Hall's Pro-Edge". I keep these around for training the young un's.

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Finally, some "zoom outs" of my sharpening station and the context in which it's used.

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