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Thread: honing on small stones

  1. #11
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    My only problem with narrow hones is keeping the blade flat on the hone with little pressure. Make sure the edges are chamfered, in case you slip up like I do!
    I want a lather whip

  2. #12
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    For grunt work I like bigger (8X3) hones, but for finishing I like shorter (6/5X3) hones. I feel I concentrate better with less real estate. Hone size preference is completely subjective, pick a size that works for you.
    bill3152 and svcaramia like this.

  3. #13
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    From personal experience, I find that using your index finger dead center of the spine works best. Using minimal pressure I can get a good feel for the hone and the blade. I usually do a few passes on each side and finish with a couple x strokes. Being a simple touch up from one of my small 5 or 6" x 1 1/8 hones. Try it, works for me. But again. All this is a learning process. Patience delivers. I'm sure you'll learn a lot from every hone. Part of the hobby right?

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwistedOak View Post
    angle the razor at 45° to the stone AND do x strokes with small stones. I've found holding the stone in your open palm and the razor in the other it's a very comfortable way to use small hones (4"x1" size or similar)
    I use this same method with my Crown barbers hone as a quick clean up unit I got my Naniwa 12k recently but still used when away on leave
    to shave another day.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I have the little 5x1 thuri and like the 45 deg x stroke or the 45 deg x swishing stroke as the let more of the blade contact the hone at once.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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