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Thread: Help for improve my honing equipment needet

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Help for improve my honing equipment needet


    i need your help, i want improve my honig system especially for honing wedges, tools, and Kitchen knives.

    My system now is:
    400 naniwa Chosira
    Coticule / Jnat/Escher (all with slurly and nagura....)

    That system worked fine on thin razor blades, but not for worn out wedges and especially for my tools i have to spend to many times on the fine stones...

    so what i am thinking of is 2 kinds how the system could look in the future.
    400 chosira
    2000 chosira
    Coticule (other finischers)

    Atoma 1200
    if i need a 3000 chosira

    How would you guys make it if you were me, at the moment i would prefere the atoma, becouse i can use the blade for lapp my naturals befor use, and maybe the bevel is fine enough to went direkt on the jnat with botan or coticule

    But maybe you have a better setup for me i am looking forward to reed your minds!

    thank you

  2. #2
    Senior Member Vasilis's Avatar
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    A 1000 grit stone definitely. Nothing else, the rest of your stones sound fine. The 400 grit is much too coarse for any type of bevel setting. Get a chocera 1000 grit and use this instead of the 400 grit for setting the bevel. I also use a 400 grit but only for razor restoration. Any of your stones after the 1000, coticule with slurry, Jnat with slurry, Thuringians used with slurry can bring easily and without too much time spend there, an edge to shave readiness.

    Edit; the diamond plates are rarely used by most of us for actual sharpening/honing on razors. Mostly for making slurry. They leave a coarse edge, even the fine ones.
    Last edited by Vasilis; 01-14-2014 at 08:39 PM.
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  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    +1 For a minimalist system the Chosera 1k at the bevel set makes life much easier...

  4. #4
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    Thank you guys!

    I love my setup for Straight razors!
    my question should improve my setup for Tools and Kitchen knives! would the 1000 work fine?? i thought at an chosira 3000 and a 1200 atoma

  5. #5
    Senior Member Vasilis's Avatar
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    Yes, this progression will work for tools and knives. If you have a lot of tools, and razors, you can get a combo stone 3k/8k 4k/8k like norton and naniwa superstone, and after this, you can use the finisher. But if you know how to use your stones with slurry, it's not necessary.
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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