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Thread: Newbie honing on a DMT poor results

  1. #11
    Poor Fit
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    Quote Originally Posted by HooDude View Post
    Maybe the wiki should be updated then What hone(s), paste(s), or spray(s) do I need? - Straight Razor Place Wiki as it recommends the DMT D8EE and a CromOx strop for beginners...
    Notice that it makes no mention of DMT's in the examples of higher grit hones. It refers to a DMT as it can be used in your "Honing Setup" but only references it under bevel setters.

  2. #12
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catrentshaving View Post
    Notice that it makes no mention of DMT's in the examples of higher grit hones. It refers to a DMT as it can be used in your "Honing Setup" but only references it under bevel setters.
    In the section "Why choice is important" actually says
    In addition, the beginner's no-lapping kit (which is often recommended on SRP) is a DMT D8EE and 0.5 chrome oxide on a paddle.
    IMO that has to go
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  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    There is an obscure reference to it way down below, can't find where it came from though

    Some people get different results with the same hone. A Norton 4k/8k vs. a DMT D8EE will get you to the same relative place; but most people will have a distinct preference in the use of one or the other. The point to keep in mind is that one of these hones will likely fit a person's individual honing style in a way that simply gives them better results
    In addition, the beginner's no-lapping kit (which is often recommended on SRP) is a DMT D8EE and 0.5 chrome oxide on a paddle. This will work for many people, but some folks simply do not like the feedback that they get from a diamond hone. Others, with coarser beards, do not like pastes because the edge they get will not last as long as a honed edge.

    Stefan was quicker

    Last edited by gssixgun; 01-16-2014 at 11:58 PM.
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  4. #14
    Irrelevant stimpy52's Avatar
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    I have one of those DMT F/XF hones. and while it's frequently useful for stubborn, dull (repaired) edges, it's way too harsh for finish work. That doesn't mean that the edges are permanently harsh, they just require finish work on conventional stones.
    Don't get hung up on hanging hairs.

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