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Thread: "quick and easy razor hone" old by the look but what is it?

  1. #1
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    Default "quick and easy razor hone" old by the look but what is it?

    I came across this on the bay and wondered if anyone knows what it might be. If its a synthetic I am not really interested but if there isw a chance it might be a natural stone I'll take a gamble on it as I'd like to have a go with a fine natural stone

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    anything with the stamp or embossing into the hone like that is always synthetic. It is a barbers hone. Good ones are super handy to have in your arsenal. They range from 4 to 15K so they are not all equal. If you find yourself interested in them there has been quite a bit of research done giving them grit equivalence.
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  3. #3
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    Thank you for the info

    I'm not really in the market for any more synthetic stones (apart from the gokyumo 20k which will be my next buy when funds allow), I'm more than happy with my superstones and chisoras

    I just fancied trying a natural finishing stone on razors. I do have a couple of naturals lying about that I got for knife sharpening but to tell you the truth I didn't think too much of them and they have been languishing in a draw for a few years now. To me, when you compare them to the naniwa and chisora stones they just cut far too slowly and didn't offer anything the naniwa didn't do ........but that was knifes and now I'm into razors and thats a whole new ball game so I thought I'd give them another bash

    I deffinatly don't have a natural with a high enough grit for razor finishing, the quest will continue for an eBay bargain and now I know that all stamped stones are synthetic it will be that bit easier to filter through what I don't want so thank you again

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