I guess the majority of answers confirms my thoughts... I figured a stone smaller than my index finger would not be comfortable...

Since I started looking at straight razors and before owning one, the art of honing fascinated me and I couldn't wait to get my own stone. I really like (and really good at) doing things with my hands. But then I saw the price I need to pay in order to explore this world.

I really want to get a Norton 4k/8k, but it's rather expensive. The price for itself is fine, but the problem is the delivery price (which is at least 20$), and the fact that the stone costs more than 75$, which means I will need to pay 30% taxes on it...
all this concludes the price for a hone originally costing 80$ at about 130-140$, which is insane.

As for a barber hone - I know they're supposed to be (relatively) cheap, and a proper hone will help me maintain my razor until I'm rich and famous and can get all the hones I want...
I looked everywhere. That is - everywhere Google showed me... I don't want to get a brick-shaped rock, so I stay away from ebay...
If anyone knows where to get a good barber hone - please share...