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Thread: Should I take a chance on this hone?

  1. #11
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    looks for me like a Thurigian as other already mentioned, i would just wait until it arrives. If its a thuri youll be satisfied iam quite shure, and the price for that is size is ok in my point of view.....

    If this was ever a Escher or whatever, you shouldnt care because i think you bought to use it, otherwise you would have bought a labelled one ;-)

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    That’s an awful small hone for the money, especially an unlabeled stone.

    I would pass.

    Shop the Classifieds. Buy the largest stone you can afford.

  3. #13
    Senior Member aa1192's Avatar
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    I think I'm gonna give it a go fellas. Thank you for all the help. I hope it is in fact a Thuringian and not a junk stone. I'm curious why would the bidding have been so competitive being it could be a boon or bust. Wish me good luck and I will keep you updated on what I found. So far, I have had pretty good luck with mystery stones barring one bad apple. By bad apple I mean a decent 8kish natural hone I grabbed for a buck.
    Razor rich, but money poor. I should have diversified into Eschers!

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