Results 11 to 12 of 12
06-21-2014, 09:18 PM #11
Too bad that you did not buy one of the $80 stones from the retailer, buying one OK stone without putting up a hassle or trying to bargin can lead to buying one really good $120 stone the next time. Now he remembers you as the guy who did not buy. Japanese retailers will favor repeat customers and each time you buy a stone they will turn on one more light and allow you to walk in 5 more steps into and towards the inner sanctum.
Stone sales are down in Japan, more craftspeople are using power tools and disposable blades. That shop might not be there for long. I love Kagoshima, Kyushu natives are generally very kind and the local food is good too.
Keep trying,
06-22-2014, 02:35 PM #12
Thanks matey . Here for a few more weeks , tight schedule though . I may return later in around autumn/winter for a month ....
At my house in Vancouver , I have a 6k and Shapton 10k , plus a barber's hone I swapped for with a member last year .
The shop in has been there for ages and my father in law says , still the place majority of folk get their knives from .
Have used Belgian coticules (sp?) at all ?
ScottMirthing my way through life .