Quote Originally Posted by bill3152 View Post
One thing I dont get is if you have the stones, you can learn them , if you dont, then you can never learn them. So is there an upside to having less stones? I dont think so, as one stone is too many if you dont use it.
What you say is true AFAIC. The thing to watch out for is not to get into HAD early on. Get your basic setup, whether it is norton, naniwa, shapton ...... learn on the basic setup before going for more and more hones. I suppose most guys do that anyway. IME if you get too many too soon it is difficult to discipline yourself to stick with a setup until you learn it, and move on to the next.

Eventually, if you stick with it, you'll learn them, but it just is easier to learn one variety well before getting a bunch of 'em. Once you've got the basics down with one set of hones it is far easier to figure out other rocks. I always go back to what jazz saxophonist Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker said, "Master your instrument, then forget all that stuff and play." Master the set you have, then venture out into the different rocks.