Thanks for all the replies. I gave a rough break down of my progression because I knew if I didn't someone was bound to ask for it! I don't think there is any problem with my honing/stropping process Euclid440, but the point about large jumps in grit size is appreciated. As I said, I can get a very nice edge and am aware of the pitfalls of honing/stropping. My question was: Does anyone know if it is possible to reach a point where a razor is so sharp that it can get no sharper and if so, is there some way of determining when that point has been reached. My gut tells me that the only way to judge this would be with a high mag microscope. I currently use a 400x and the edges are scratch free (more or less). In the end I believe the quality of the steel would be the deciding factor on just how sharp a razor can get, but if you had a razor of the best quality steel, surely there must come a point where it can get no sharper.