Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
IIRC, Verhoeven measured straight razor edges at 0.35-0.45 microns across.
+1 to this and he uses a DE blade for comparison (Gillette I think). If I remember he used a laser pointed at the edge and it split onto a scale behind it measuring the edge. Something like that. Unless you have some means to measure its nearly impossible to tell but I think the highest standard is to get one as sharp as a DE or close enough that you ant tell the difference. Is all steel capable? I don't know but I have a few razors that when I shave with my shavette on one side and the straight razor on the other I can't tell any difference. It just may be that my face is a clump of scar tissue? Either way I am happy with these edges and can't see them getting any sharper or smoother but then again....a new level on the horizon?