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Thread: has any body tried it.

  1. #1
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Default has any body tried it.

    I haven't yet but I might, but has any one tried honing on the back of a coticule. I am not talking about one that is backed with BBW but with the black slate or whatever it is. I mean if it is slate then we already use slate hones so why not. I am not saying I want to use it as a finisher or anything like that or that I think people should. Just curious if anyone has tried it before. I mean when coti's where backed with BBW nobody thought you could hone with it but some person did obviously or there wouldn't be several sites just selling coticule backer as hones no matter how useless it is. Who know, the black slate is probably useless compared to the coticule but who know maybe it will do something. Me thinks I will try it tomorrow and see what happens.

  2. #2
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default has any body tried it.

    You do not have to try it out...the black slate wont give you any satifying shave...

    you might find a way to put it on your honing progression but there might be other naturals which could be more useful then this slate....
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  3. #3
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Doorsch is on the money, pick up a bbw.

    Slate is really too soft to even hone with & IMO it will hurt the bevel you worked so hard to set. The slates I've messed with all have had inclusions and really interfere with a honing progression.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Doorsch is on the money, pick up a bbw.

    Slate is really too soft to even hone with & IMO it will hurt the bevel you worked so hard to set. The slates I've messed with all have had inclusions and really interfere with a honing progression.
    Oh I don't need to use the slate on the back. I was just wanting to experiment. I have a bbw too, on the back of my other coticule. Just curious is all. Well I already honed my favorite razor on it. It's also my test razor. Looking at the scratch pattern on the bevel it doesn't seem promising but it did pass hht. It was very smooth feeling on the hone. After I lapped it flat it did have a smoother feel than my select coti which I always use. Of course feel doesn't always mean anything. Anyways I am going to shave with it tomorrow as I will have 3 days growth and that's how much growth I have whenever I test a new razor or stone. Again this is purely for the experimental aspect. I doubt anything spectacular will happen but I will report back tomorrow.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The backing is not designed for honing. It's just backing.

    There's experimenting and there's experimenting if you know what I mean.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    The stone that backs my coticule is actually a dark purple in color & hones quite nice,,, hen I go to the yellow coticule to finish on.

  7. #7
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    The backing is not designed for honing. It's just backing.

    There's experimenting and there's experimenting if you know what I mean.
    Yes I know. I am not trying to start a new honing trend nor do I have a bunch of coticule backing slate waiting to be sold if only I had the right sales pitch. I was just bored. Im not trying to convince anyone to do it. But just like Hirlau said he uses his dark purple coticule backer that we call the BBW. I am sure people would have never given any thought to using the BBW as a hone back in the day but somebody did because Hirlau and others think its a good midrange hone.....

    Mainly though 100% percent of this experiment is out of curiosity. If I get a good shave out of it then cool, if not then I guess I will have some razor burn. No biggie either way

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've tried the slate and it was a waste of time. YMMV. I also tried a suzuri used in making ink for Japanese calligraphy. The one I have is from a mountain in Tokyo IIRC ........ no good action there either. I am going to go rock hounding though. Living in South FL all I've come up with is sea shells. So far none of them make a good slurry but I'm going to keep trying ......
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  9. #9
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I've tried the slate and it was a waste of time. YMMV. I also tried a suzuri used in making ink for Japanese calligraphy. The one I have is from a mountain in Tokyo IIRC ........ no good action there either. I am going to go rock hounding though. Living in South FL all I've come up with is sea shells. So far none of them make a good slurry but I'm going to keep trying ......
    I hear you there about the shells. I live in Orlando and go to Clearwater or Smyrna all the time. Where about in South Fl do you live if you don't mind me asking?

  10. #10
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I've tried the slate and it was a waste of time. YMMV. I also tried a suzuri used in making ink for Japanese calligraphy. The one I have is from a mountain in Tokyo IIRC ........ no good action there either. I am going to go rock hounding though. Living in South FL all I've come up with is sea shells. So far none of them make a good slurry but I'm going to keep trying ......
    I am a trained non-practicing calligrapher and I think this is what jimmy is referring to.
    The ink stick is rubbed on the slate stone with water and is then applied to the paper with brush, pen or quill.

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    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

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