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Thread: How best to start honing with shave ready razors?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well if you have NO honing skills then it is a moot point if you can even just maintain a shave ready razor with a Crox pasted strop and 12K hone. Only by trying it will you know and it is certainly possible if you have the skill set. It is a catch 22 as you won't know till you try it. That is the best anyone can tell you. If the razor's edge has degraded past a certain point then you will need other coarser hones to reset the bevel/remove small chips and work up from there. That would require more skill than just maintaining a shave ready razor would entail.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  2. #12
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    @BobH... so if you wanted to start learning honing, would you start with an ebay restore using a full set of stones or start with something like a 12k to maintain your current razors?

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Sorry to but in here but I think you were on the right path when you started this thread. Many people maintain their razors on nothing but paste and a 12k for a long time. Some say indefinitely! Most agree on years. You can get your self a good guangxi (estimated with no basis to be around a 12k) or spend a bit more and get a synthetic 12k stone and you are good to go (barring the unforeseen) for years. HTH.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  4. #14
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    @steel ... been looking at Naniwa 10-12k stones as a starting place.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I am going to guess the easiest way would be to dip your toes in at the top end by trying to maintain a shave ready razor with a 12K and a Crox pasted strop.

    If you are going to buy used razors that are not shave ready you have no choice but to go with a full set of hones. That is what I did and having no mentor locally it took me over a year and 30 plus razors to be able to take a used razor with chip in the blade to shave ready. I am still learning and its been one heck of ride. Mind you I had no sharpening skills to speak of before starting and cannot walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. Learning to hone just takes time and usually does not come over night. What can I say other than it has been a fun experience.

    Dzanda and Steel like this.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  6. #16
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Major, there are two Mentors in the DC/Virginia are, AFDavis11 and LegalBeagle. Check them first in the membership listing and maybe PM to see if they can meet with you and answer your questions face-to-face. Their schedules might be busy but I'm sure they can fit you in somewhere.
    GC7 likes this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  7. #17
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    @Razorfeld - thanks! Unfortunately I'll be in San Antonio until mid-November, but that's an awesome idea!

  8. #18
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Well, my friend, you are in luck. In the San Antonio area is a senior member, Kenrup. A definite answer to your questions (also a vet). You should also contact Sharptonn in Houston, about an hours drive from San Antonio. He holds little meets periodically, and I'm sure he will have several while you are in the area. They can certainly answer and instruct on a one-on-one basis better than all the writing back and forth can do.
    Geezer, BobH and GC7 like this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  9. #19
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    @razorfeld - OUTSTANDING!! I'd be happy to drive an hour over the weekend to learn (did my PhD in Houston, so I know the area well). I'll hit up Kenrup with a PM.

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorEthanolic View Post
    @substance ... the only catch for me is that I'm active duty military, so I shave every 24 hours, 7 days/week.
    Thank you for serving!
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  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    Steel (07-31-2014)

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