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Thread: Two barber hones-on right track?

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Default Two barber hones-on right track?

    Good afternoon gents,

    I am in the process of lapping and re-conditioning two barber hones. The first hone is a Simmons Keen Kutter K 15. I picked up at an antique store about a month ago. The second hone is a Presto-Keen that I just picked up from eBay. Both hones appeared to be in great shape: minimal chipping and pretty flat. I touched up two razors with the Keen Kutter and was satisfied with the results. Both razors ceased tugging after being touched up but still not as smooth as I would like.

    When the Presto-Keen arrived a couple of days ago I decided to try flattening both hones based on Modine's tutorial on Razor and Stone. Not having a DMT plate I bought 600 and 1500 grit wet/dry for lapping. I drew a grid on the stones and let both hones sit in water while I set up my counter.
    Name:  image.jpg
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    Name:  image.jpg
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Size:  36.2 KBWet paper towels were laid on the counter and half a sheet of 600 grit paper was laid on top and sprayed with water. I then did about five figure 8s on the finish side of the Presto-Keen then checked the pencil grid.
    It was still there so the stone was rotated about 10 more figure eights were done. At this time I rinsed off both hone and paper under the tap, which I kept doing from then on when checking the grid. Approximately 40-50 figure 8s were done. Water was sprayed on paper when the stone started to stick. Both sides of the Presto-keen were treated in this manner, then the process was repeated with fresh paper and the Keen Kutter(label side only).
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    1500 grit was used in a similar manner on both sides of the Presto-Keen and the labels side of the Simmons. I attempted to use spray more water while using the 1500 grit. The hones are drying. The plan from here is to re-condition the surface of the hones by applying Vaseline.

    Do any of you experienced hands have tips to share with me? am I on the right track?

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    Last edited by Leatherstockiings; 08-03-2014 at 09:48 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I don't know what the surfaces look like, I only re-condidtioned the barber hones in my collection that really needed it. Most barber hones do not, that I run across. I would not go the vaseline route , if you think the surfaces are fine,,, don't re-condition just for the experience.

    Barber hones do dry fast on the surface & absorb very little water, at least that has been my experience.

    I would like to see Modine add some knowledge here on SRP concerning the re-conditioning of barber hones; I'm not a member of Razor & Stone & don't see that in my future.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    I go crazy with it myself. I grid lap from 200 400 600 1000 1500 2500. It's a PITA, but it gets pretty smooth for the few that I have.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Those surfaces look just fine to me,,,, nice looking hones.
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  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Hirlau For This Useful Post:

    Leatherstockiings (08-04-2014)

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    that is more or less the process I have followed when reviving barber hones with chips or a dry or crackled looking surface. Like John I only do this if it looks like it is really needed. Most of the barbers hones I have bought just needed a home and nothing else.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    "Just give me a home,
    where the barber hones roam;

    and the badger brushs,
    come out to play,,,,,,"

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