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Thread: I Am Praying this Does Not Come off Like a Lame Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member Phoenix51's Avatar
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    Default I Am Praying this Does Not Come off Like a Lame Question

    ..and the question is-

    What if any problem/disadvantage/evil juju/wickedness/etc. can be potentially encountered should one just choose to hone their razors right on the rock? No tape, no double tape, no dili-uni-or other cote, just steel and stone. Regardless if the blade in queation has a history of being honed and/or bevel set with a taped (or double taped) spine??

    I am at that point with my razors that they all seem to offer up a decent enough edge by just using the correct pressure and number of strokes on a progression of different grits. Some blades I have I know were not set up with tape; others I know were. What will be my problems (if any) if I just re-assign the electric tape to the tool box for dutues of an exclusively electric nature??

  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    That shouldn't be much of a concern really.
    For personal use, the wear we would cause on the spine would be minute.

    So, once a proper bevel is set, you should be golden really.
    Tons of guys around here nevere uses tape, no worries at all.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  3. #3
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    As long as you stay above 4k it shouldn't cause much hone wear
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    This thread has a lot of potential. This should be good.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Many of use do that. That said, some razors may need tape to increase a "too shallow" bevel angle that does not support a lasting edge.
    Most personal razors users only had one hone or not that, and most assuredly didn't have electrical tape.
    Do what works for you! If honing for others, then visual and a other factors come in to play.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    It's up to you ! No mojo involved. I use tape primarily to keep from scratching a spine I just spent hours getting it to shine.

    Unless your doing something to improve the bevel or adjust for hone wear like Richard says than it is a simple matter of choice.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  7. #7
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodb View Post
    As long as you stay above 4k it shouldn't cause much hone wear
    To clear up confusion in my mind are you saying use tape to set a bevel and not when you go to the 4k and up? OR stick with tape if that's what you started with?
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  8. #8
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    For me I tape everything, but if the bevel was set without tape, then doing touchups shouldn't cause much more wear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    To clear up confusion in my mind are you saying use tape to set a bevel and not when you go to the 4k and up? OR stick with tape if that's what you started with?
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    To clear up confusion in my mind are you saying use tape to set a bevel and not when you go to the 4k and up? OR stick with tape if that's what you started with?
    use tape to start ,,, use tape to finish.

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    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  10. #10
    Senior Member JTmke's Avatar
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    Tape is either used to protect the spine or increase the bevel angle. I would think tape is optional unless you would like to preserve the spine

    I have often believed that tape is for lack of a better description in natural since it increases the angle as the blade width gets narrowed by honing. Great for preserving old razors but unnecessary for new razors
    Geezer likes this.
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