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Thread: Second coticule - natural combo

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Second coticule - natural combo

    Yeap , like like the famous Britney Spears song - Oups , i did it again .
    I buy an old coticule , natural combo . Things hapened very fast - i was looking in a local Bulgarian flea market site , and the deal came to me ,in front of my eyes .I grab the phone and the man said - wow i just posted it , it is not posible. 20 minutes later i bought it for 11 $ - 13 sm x 5 x 2 sm thick .The man said to me that in those 20 min 3 people were calling him for the stone , but he denied them .
    Intresting coti , very good , pinkish in color BBW , thick 1.6 sm . The coti layer was 4-6 mm thick but they were sharpened knives on the stone , and it was slightly concave. After laping the coti layer is 2-4 mm but is very fine in grit and very dense and hard coti . It has very intresting natural patern , like the hybrid coticules , and in sime parts of the patern, the stone is allmost transludent . Very hard and very fine coti , that produces a milky white slurry .I aways lapp my neu stones on a flat black granite piece and a water sandpaper . This time the grit was 500 but , i first lappe the BBW and the grit decreace , to 700 i think .I colect all my slury ,from the lapping ,so now whit this thicknes of the coti layer , i dont have to rubb a new slurry , but instead using this one from the laping process.
    My first citi is 12 x 4 x2 sm pure coti very fast and not so fine as this one - it gives broun -welloy - creamish in color slurry , and is little finer that the BBW stone in grit , but very fast stone .
    Man i think , that i am sick , i am thinkig for coticules only in the presence of all that beautifull women , here in BG .
    I just have , i need to get more from those stones , and from the thuringians also . My preciousssss ......
    I Hope , that soon will be able to get some pics , and poste them .
    Last edited by RusenBG; 09-14-2014 at 04:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Sweet catch. Its all in the timing.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yeah, you're hooked now, it's all over.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveW View Post
    Yeah, you're hooked now, it's all over.
    On the contrary ......... it's only just begun !

    Sounds like a great stone, please do post pics.
    RezDog likes this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #5
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    On the contrary ......... it's only just begun !
    It is the begining of a madnes. By the way i visit an old barber i know a long time ago , and for a few $ i get 12 x 4 x1.5 sm natural combo . Yeap , again . It is a Dresene or La petite Blanche , it had a wide greysh line between the coti and the BBW .
    The BBW is pink , very creamy color and it has a 1/3 of it mixedwith a whitw coti in it . Very hard and very fine stone - it is mine finest coti . Im very pleased with it , on the morning i will hone some rasor with it .
    Today i hone a Gold Dollar for a young boy on the other coti and the BBW was very fast . Set the bevel on Makita 1200 and after on the BBW and coti . The BBW works amasing and gives sharp edge , but the coti dulls it and i go back on the blue stone . I fifnish it on my presious black turkish stone and i have to tell you have to get some of those stones ,caled Black Lidite . It gives very good fifnish with ferousious sharpness . On the end i make 40 50 stroke on my Esher green , but i dont see any noticeable diference after the Lidite . Finaly crox and Leather - it pops hairs from my arm 1 sm above the skinn barely touching them .

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