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Thread: Honing with friends

  1. #1
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Default Honing with friends

    A friend of mine just spent the night in my home and got a little glimpse of this addiction, and to say the least he was perplexed. After watching me take a few of my razors (too many in his opinion ) to the hones. As I was going through the process he turns to me ant says,"Why do you waste your time sharpening those, that's time you'll never get back, and you can get a perfectly good shave with a bic."

    Good sir, this is not true. And even if it twer, it is not the point… Suppose its not for everyone though.

    Hone, shave, repeat my friends!
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  2. #2
    Wid is offline
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    I'm the only one in my circle of family and friends that use a straight razor. None understand it, it never has deterred me. Some think it's cool while others claim I'm off my rocker
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  3. #3
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    Bet he wastes time watching bad television. That is time that could be spent on an enjoyable hobby such as caring for your prize possessions that you can probably pass on to your children.
    p.s; also spent two hours honing last night. Just as practice on a knackered old razor so I don't damage a nice one when I get round to it. Newb to straights and honing.
    SailorJ likes this.
    "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."-Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782)

  4. #4
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    True. I think most of us here know that even if the shave results weren't any better, the enjoyment is. And the same with honing, there are many things that we can get done by spending money or taking shortcuts. But something that you have completed with your own hands has a different value.
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I never seek the understanding of others when it comes to my interests. It ruins the experience. If you must, you're always best showing them the benefit and enjoyment of the outcome - in this case, the shave. The only possible lure is enjoyment you exhibit. That MAY spark some curiosity. But in this case, it'll be rare. My only attempts to encourage others to get involved were limited to a decent brush and a good soap/cream. Because even if that person is using a BiC blade, he'll be better served with a good lather. If lather is too much for them to bother with, honing is not going hold much allure. But for the most part, accept and enjoy the fact that your interests are unique.
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